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Let's go massive?

A presentation that is intended to impress shareholders can often spark a tremendous uproar. When Vivendi Universal announced

Why we lag

Has anyone of you actually wondered why we lag? What makes Israelis so unhittable? Do Estonian servers contribute to a worse ping? This column provides the answers. Seriously.

We never change, do we?

Maybe we should. Since the amount of proposed changes has dramatically increased over the last few weeks, probably because of the iron will to keep ET entertaining and alive in the face of many teams quitting, and many people feel the urge to discuss these issues, it is definitely worth a column.

The future of ETTV.

Note: Please notice that this is not written as an official statement or suggestion of the gamestv.org team. Neither does it imply that ETTV will be charged for in the future. It is a collection of suggestions, and we want your opinion.

At the moment, ETTV is completely free of charge. No costs, availability for almost every game and the admins are willing to listen to complaints about lags and server crashes.

CPC 2 community reviews / photos

Not much to be said here...a collection of links to journals and galleries of the recently finished Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2. Going to be updated continously as more stuff comes up.

Interview with ESL|chosen

With the ESL Premiership just ending, I have decided to ask chosen some questions on the ESL and ET. He elaborates on the upcoming events and tells us about the things that might change.
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