Warbell for competition?

I suppose most of you know the map Warbell designed by German mapper McNite from UBC Clan. The map itself is loved by a huge part of the public community today, however the map never really made it into competition play. Before Warbell got released to the public McNite worked close together with Adlernest Designer Dersaidin from Australia to make it competition ready.

Wolfenstein Multiplayer

Raven's current game development project Wolfenstein™ is quite important for the majority of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory fans or lets say Crossfire readers in general. What Raven have already came up with were some screenshots, a first trailer some interviews and a few game magazine articles. The content was not impressive as well as the graphics shown but nevertheless it was a first sign of active development of a game we all hope to suit our needs.

ET - The all time survivor

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has a long lasting existance within the world of online gaming so far; realeased as an uncompleted add-on to it's big father Return to Castle Wolfenstein it had a hard time developing to such a competitive and overall balanced game what it today without a doubt is. Five years have past since its birth and there is still a player base of about 10.000 people constantly playing this game.

Give ET another chance!

January 14, 2007 – Enemy Territorys gaming history is quite long. There have been Up's and Down's like in every other online game. For about three years Enemy Territory is competitively played now, three years in which famous clans like mTw, Ocrana, Dignitas, United5, team9 or Check-Six had their own ET squads. Most of them left the scene very soon because there was nothing to win in ET at this time.