image: 2mgpctvI suppose most of you know the map Warbell designed by German mapper McNite from UBC Clan. The map itself is loved by a huge part of the public community today, however the map never really made it into competition play. Before Warbell got released to the public McNite worked close together with Adlernest Designer Dersaidin from Australia to make it competition ready. Even a showmatch broadcasted by GIGA eSports has taken place to introduce the map to the competitive community. Back then the majority came to the conclusion that Warbell wasn't suited for leagues eventhough it might have just needed some more test games. Now the call for new maps can be heard widely. Maps like Braundorf, Frostbite and Adlernest which were once praised as the new maps for the future became maps which are rather disliked by a large part of the scene. Those maps are often called 'Lotto-maps' and take usually not more than four to five minutes to be completed. This is actually not the gameplay we like, as many of us still remember maps which lasted more than 30 minutes. Of course we don't hate 'short' maps but when waiting for the opponent lasts longer then the actual practise match there is something wrong.

[img|left][/img]Today maps with outside areas and different stages are wanted more than ever. Even maps like Bremen which look quite ugly (author's opinion) make it into today's mappool and are accepted by the community. The community is fed up with playing indoor matches with more walls than anything else. The huge cheater paranoia might be pushing that opinion even more.

So what we want are new maps for competition. Some even want good old Oasis to come back with some improvements of course. Others would like to play Railgun again. Another alternative would be Warbell. Warbell is one of the most lovely detailed and great looking custom maps around. Not playing it in tournaments would be a shame for such a pretty map. Lately McNite announced his comeback to active mapping.

image: 1zb6u0oOver at the Splashdamage forums he asked for suggestions regarding his Warbell project. As the public communty pretty much loves the map how it is there is no real need for changes. Competitive players may think different. So here is our chance. In case we come up with constructive critics and good suggestions to make the map suited for competition, McNite may create a tournament edition of his map for us. It's now up to you to convince him. Give suggestions for how to improve the map and maybe we can already play and watch Warbell_te at CC6 (eSports Heaven) and the next EuroCup.