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Another clip for CoD2

An evolution of the 'left lean' ..

Call of Duty 4 MP

Summary of the possible multiplayer ..

ET:QW for beginners

Hi I'm going to have little chat with you about QuakeWars. Partly because I want to help beginners to start playing, but also to change the opinion of those who have played QW and didn't like it...

a cheater at cdc3

Here's my experience from ..


I came back to home yesterday and I'll write an article explaining all the experiencies I've had along CDC3!

Before cdc3 we needed to pickup two players because we needed a replacement for aCoZz and d0ktor. We picked up XyLoS and Matias like 3 weeks before LAN, we needed to train hard to be as strong as CPC2. that was the days before the LAN, a lot of tactic change, new points of view and here we go! CDC3!

CDC3- WSW Ticker

Check out the WSW bracket here (powered by warsownews.net): [url=http://warsownews.game-server.

CDC3 - ET Play offs & Groups

With the Group Matches almost being over, were about to start the ET Play Offs. Instead of using the regular method of A versus B and C versus D, we're going to have a draw. FA Cup style. All the numbers 1 of the Groups are put in a Poule, and all the numbers 2 of the Groups in another Poule.

As shown on the QuadV stream just moments ago, the ET's upper bracker round 1 drawn:

The truth about gaming mice

This is a blatant copy from fragyou (steelseries blog), but the content is so good that i think it's acceptible that i post it like this - unedited. I hope this will shed some light about mice for the et players who believe 4000 dpi is the BEST THING EVAH! The article is mostly about laser mice, but most of the things mentioned apply to optical mice aswell.

CDC3 Groups

With the Crossfire Devotii Challenge less than a week away I thought I'd combine information from Humm3L's previous article and the recently released tournament seeding and group information.

CF CoD2 One-Day Cup

Being shown on a TV station is not even a major point regarding sponsors and fans, it's even important for keeping a game alive or to promote the upcoming title of it. With having problems finding fitting teams for a major TV event, I'm proud bringing the one and only important CoD2 One-Day cup back up on our very own crossfire.
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