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Our Community

When Return To Castle Wolfenstein was released, a lot of people bought it. These were our own John , and to a lower extent, Jane Doe’s. The average age was average, both old and young played it. The everyday occupation was varied, both the poor and the wealthy played it. And most of all, people from all over the globe were part of this community. Somehow this community evolved into one of the best, and now nostalgic, societies out there.

CDC3 Teams infos & Rating System !

Dear, Xfire Community

Days and weeks pass by whilst the Crossfire Devoti Challenge 3 is coming closer and closer.
Many Top-Teams practise hard for this event. But who’s going to get the trophy? TLR the current champions with their renewed line-up or maybe the obvious favorits Superretardedplayers.
Crossfire Devoti Challenge is the biggest and most prestigous ET tournament in Europe.

CGS: It's huge.

New faces from ETQW

With the first ETQW beta cup hosted by ClanBase about to start tomorrow, I caught up two admins who may be less well known to the ET community. Nuke, the coverage supervisor, and Revengeful, the co-supervisor, will both be working alongside newly appointed cup sup Adacore, together bringing you CB's debut ETQW cup.

Say goodbye to Portugal

On the next page you will find the story of the Portuguese National team and the recent exposure of a bust of an entire team. This story, its information and its evidence has been submitted to the relevant people at Clanbase, however various parts of it have been censored from this article to protect various people from the public spotlight and the wrath of the players, this isnt the full case that was submitted to CB.

Eurocup: MVP

The Eurocup has almost come to it's end with the Grand Final this monday. It was a hectic tournament with epic battles, heroic individual actions and of course the bans executed by the Clanbase C&A section.

Eurocup Medal Score

With four teams left in the race for this season's Eurocup and 3 of them being European nationality mixes, I was wondering which country actually got the most golden medals in the Eurocup. And not per clan, but per player. I clicked all the way back to Eurocup IX and started to count the nationalities of the players who played the final. So only those who played in the decisive match have been counted. Now I had some minor problems along the way.

Dignitas vs eSource C2e Finals

ET Rankings

The Eurocup is fully on it's way and we had the CPC2 last month. Now there have been a lot of discussion about who is the best ET team at the moment. Some say there are three teams fighting for the Eurocup title at the moment... Dignitas, TLR and Impact. Others say Polar has a good chance too. Maybe even Cadre.

EC Tension Builds *UPDATED*

With Group A allready decided last week and Group C decided yesterday, the Group Phase of the ET Eurocup XV is becoming more and more exciting as Groups B and D move into the last matchweeks.

This article will give you a short view on the situations in the groups. Groups A and C briefly and Groups B and D somewhat extended with possible scenario's.

Group A
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