I know not many people will care that i wrote this, but i just want to express my feelings of the past weekend, which was great.
I also know people will whine over this thread since i'm busted and I don't really care, i'm sorry for that, but I'm allready paying my detb for my actions.
Anyway, here it goes.

Saturday morning 5.30 am.: Bartichello comes and pick me up for a 6 hour drive to Enschede, on the road there, we will be picking up luger as well.
12.00: We arrive at Enschede and are going straight to the LAN-center to meet up with the OVERLOAd players and give them their support money.
At around 1 o'clock, tosspot comes and say hi, asking who we were, after telling him i was Xajp he was staring at me, than asking, 'With an X?' and just continueing being friendly like before.
This is the first part and maybe the best part of the LAN i appreciated so much; eventho people knew who I was, partially because wesbo was running around saying 'this is my busted manager', they still stayed friendly to me, this is also one of the main reasons why I'm writing this text: to show people how much i appreciated the fact that you stayed friendly!

Anyway, continueing the day I met up with several players like efax (thanks for rubbing my head ;/), lav0d and some other people I really wanted to meet.
At around 02.00 at night, spho and abort invited Sainted and me to come with them and drink a beer at their bungalows.
Arriving at the bungalows we met zerender, lightning and an extremely stoned gunner who suddenly said sorry after 15 minutes for no reason.
An hour later I went to bed early not to miss anything about the next day.
Unfortunately at around 5.00 in the morning, wesbo and foonr were throwing small rocks at the window above us which woke me up (apparantly foonr forgot his keys) so I was so friendly to open the door for him.

sunday at 8.30 in the morning I got up took a shower opened my door and realised tosspot was right in front of me, I said good morning and asked when the games would start, which he friendly answered with in 20 minutes.
Arriving at the LAN-center again, I was maybe the only spectator there so i went sitting next to abort, eating my breakfast.
10 minutes later, tosspot shouted: 'hey you!, can you play right now?', which i replied on ' I can't, I'm banned from clanbase' and he said he could drop the rule for this fun war, 10 minutes later, I ended up playing with HARD-gaming with a standard hp mouse and keyboard next to tosspot.
I like to see this as the best moment of the lan just because tosspot allowed me to play, thx mate!

I won't bother you with the rest of the story, because more than half of the people are probably not reading this anymore.

I would like to thank some people before i stop tho.

tosspot: for hosting the LAN and just being friendly to me
Wesbo: for introducing me to everybody on the strangest way possible and for playing a 1on1 against me
kitty: for being really friendly to me and for playing under the OVERLOAd name at the lan
spho: for all the good talks and being friendly
xfrd and Qraigu: for standing in for ins
atemi: for the nice chats we had at the LAN
modus: for owning
rfki: for playing at the lan for OVERLOAd
plu: for promising me a beer (which i never got!!!)
LavOd: for giving me his cfg and being very nice to me :D

Sorry if I forgot anyone else, but it were too much impressions to memorize them and writing it down in 30 minutes.

thx for reading