1. When did you start playing ET, and how did you get into it?
    Ohhh that was ages ago... when i was young and lovely ;-), ive been 11/10 yrs old in early 2000s, in Poland they used to sell magazines in 'kiosks' (newsstand) including games on the PC so my mom bought me one and there was ET

  2. What's your most memorable moment so far in your ET history, and why?
    When i realised there is 2.60b and first time seen butchji, from that moment i started to progress pretty quickly

  3. What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contributing to winning in ET?
    Open Head on new things, not standard ideas, cooperation n being creative.

  4. How does it feel to be the captain of Opus Magnum and to compete in the LAN event?
    Im pretty happy n glad to find bunch of lovely guys with which i can share this big moment (hope so not last one)