"We roam the waters day and night, We explore the lands and we fight, For lands, for seas, and for the vikings, After we conquer we take their things, We just fought a battle and we won!"

Team North or should i just call them for Scandinavia!

Scandinavia is one of the two favorites to get the trophy this year. They have a awesome lineup which consists of:

Finland twidi
Finland Squall
Finland Iron
Finland lettu
Finland Xpaz
Norway Gjerry
Norway Kris
Sweden rat
Sweden blaze

Twidi has proven that he has managed to gather one of the strongest lineups ever. I really believe that the match between Team north & Team West will be one of the most demanding matches ever!

I had a short interview with the captain twidi about this cup:

Hi twidi Crossfire has just annouced a new ET All Stars tournament and they have chosen you as captain for team north.

How is it for you to be chosen to lead your european part to victory against 3 others?

Well.. I'm not taking any pressure about the tournament, it's more about having fun and entertainment for the spectators. Anyway it's great to be part of such event and I'll do my best to gather the best team available from scandinavia. Cheaters aren't welcome into my team tho.

We have seen your team wich consists of very good players. What you expect out of the torturnament?

This year the team will be more "newschool" as the "oldschool" players who I asked didn't show much interest the tournament. I think west is the clear favourite to win the tournament, but we'll try to do our best and see how it goes.

What will you look on as a captain? Teamplay, communication, experience or aim? and why that?

I'm just trying to get the best players available who got the experience and skill to put up a great performance for the viewers as this event is mostly made for them to see some great players playing exciting and interesting matches.

How are you gonna prepare up for this torturnament?

I don't think we're going to practice or prepare any specially for this tournament. On the tournament day we might check some tactics and play a warmup game before the tourney starts.

If i say team west ? what do you say?

Hopefully we don't get raped too badly by mAus & co!

I wish Scandalnavia good luck at the cup! But i got to say, i miss at least 1 dane in the lineup.