So what else IS there besides ET, CoD4 and ET:QW?

CyberNations, that's what. Now, before you run away (or rather click away) saying "OMG ONLINE MMORPG SUX BBQROFLOL", please consider my words.

First of all, YES, it's just another MMORPG. There's always been thousands, there always will be. Nothing new there, we all play an MMO to some extent. However, there are subtle differences which make some MMO's top class, while others remain just cheap copies of the thousands. Big surprise for all of you, CyberNations DOES have that special twist. I'm speaking of my own experience here, I used to dislike MMO's, thinking (as are you) they were all just the same. So I reluctantly and hesitantly clicked the link that Shakes provided here, here and most especially here.

Now, I'm not going to tell you what Shakes has told you over a thousand times with those Journals and Articles. I'm here to tell you why to sign up (figures, huh?).
You say it's just an MMO, and you are correct yet woefully ignorant and therefore incorrect. CyberNations is an MMO, no doubt about it, but it's not one of those "Get plenty of attack and smash other players" MMO's. The entire point of this game is (strangely enough) not to attack other nations. While you might think this completely ruins the fun, this isn't true. For those who simply like to attack, weak and inactive targets are plenty.
To those who never really liked to be on the receiving end of those all-out attack guys, rejoice! In CyberNations war is not welcomed as a good distraction for the boredom. War is mostly not welcomed. By whom? The alliances of course!

When you join an alliance in CyberNations, that's where the fun really starts. Alliances are the center of happenings in CyberNations, and they also make sure you're not one of those "unprotected and unaligned" targets. If you join an alliance, you're not only safe, but your economy will get a huge boost through the contacts and deals your alliance has with other alliances. A beginning nation will easily work his way up the ranks and belong to the top half without too much trouble.
Once again, I will speak from my own experiences. I clicked one of Shakes' journal links, and was pulled into the game. I joined the forum, and was immediately given 1m starter aid! (For a beginning nation, that's a truckload of cash coming your way real fast, and you like it)
After that, I signed up for tech deals and trade circles which boosted my income, and with each tech deal I got another 1.3m! If that isn't good trading I don't know what is.
The point I'm trying to make here is, without the alliance's help and support (and the tech deals they have with those other alliances), I would've remained low, helpless, attacked within a few days, and probably would've quit the game within 3 days. But thanks to Shakes and the Crossfire alliance, I was able to climb up through CyberNations, and also Crossfire, for which I'm now Minister of Foreign Affairs (I don't like to brag, but that's damn high up).

Thanks to Shakes' recruiting Journals and his Article, Crossfire is now already a bit more than "just another noob alliance". Many alliances have realised that we have the potential to grow a whole lot more and have offered to help us. But we can't just be content with that! We need more members if we want to stay in the league. And there you have it. The entire point of this journal, or actually, this Tale of my happenings in CyberNations, was to get YOU into Crossfire. Like it or not, I'm simply trying to get some people in our alliance, so we won't bleed to death. Please don't let us starve.

~Vindicator, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Crossfire Alliance, CyberNations

Ezekiel 25:17
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.

Link to CyberNations
Link to Project-Crossfire (Crossfire CyberNations forums)