
- These rules are subject to change at any time. Changes made after the start of the season will always be announced. All clans are expected to know all the rules; not knowing them is no valid excuse for not following them.
- Any form of cheating will involve immediate removal of the player from the tournament, all future crossfire leagues and tournaments, as well as the removal of the team. This also includes the use of bug abuse (e.g. hiding inside of a barrel).
- Abusive behaviour towards any cup cup admin or opponent, at any time during the cup season, can be punished by the supervisor.
- The Team Captain is responsible for his own members knowing and following the rules.
- The Team Captain must be available in where possible in order to be contacted by opposing teams and supervisors.
- A national team may never have more than 3 members of the same active clan playing at the same time. The definition of a an active clan will be decided by the supervisors if and when necessary. There is however no limitation to the amount of the members from the same clan that may be in the lineup. Exceptions may be allowed in the case of non-european and american teams.
- National captains are expected to know the full clan history of any player they wish to field; not knowing it will not be an excuse to break this rule. If any doubt is possible about the membership of a certain player in a certain clan then the captain must always get permission from the supervisor before using that player.
- Players must be listed on the nation's corresponding crossfire page before they are allowed to play (invitation sent by the Captain, invitation accepted by the player). After the 9th of July, all additions to the team must be approved by both supervisors. There is no limit to the number of players in a national team, and players can be added to and removed from the team at any time during the season.
- Players must register their PB guid on their crossfire team page, and play with this guid. If a player is forced to use a different guid than the one he or she is registered with, he/she should inform the supervisors as soon as possible about that with as much information as possible.
- One wildcard will be allowed during the group stages of the cup. Wildcards can not be used for playoff matches. A playoff match can only be postponed by decision of the supervisor. Problems that affect only 1 player will never be sufficient reason to postpone a playoff match. When a wildcard is used, the national teams have to reschedule the match immediately to one of the days into the same or the following matchweek of the original match date, and inform the supervisor. If no agreement is communicated to the Supervisor within 48hrs of the original match time, he may force the match to be played as he sees fit.
- Players must wait 24 hours after being added to a lineup to play.

Map List:


Nationality and residence requirements:

- Captains must have the nationality and be residents of their team's country.
- Players who have the nationality of the country they live in are always allowed to play for that country.
- Players who have the nationality of another country than the one they live in:
o Can play for their home country without any further requirements. Proof may be required, should supervisors request it.
o Can play for the country they live in if they've lived there for more than 1 year.
o If he lives in country A he can play for country B after proof through ip checks.

Before the game:

- A server must have been agreed at least one hour before the game.
- If necessary and preferred, teams may create a match channel in order to keep in touch for scheduling. This is not necessary, but suggested.
- Matches must be scheduled atleast 24 hours prior to their inception.
- Matches must be played on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during the matchweek, between 19:30-22:30 CET. Exceptions may be possible in the case of non-european teams, if a supervisor allows.
- Team Captains or players are required to suggest ETTV if not already done so atleast 24 hours before the match begins.

During the game:

- Recording demos is required in all cases. If requested and not provided, a supervisor may punish appropriately at will.
- The server config used during matches will be the ESL 6v6 EMS config, available here.
- If the server crashes during a match, a supervisor must be contacted immediately where an agreement between teams is not possible. If no supervisor is available, had the server crashed in the first minute of a round, a restart is mandatory.
- The break between maps will be exactly 10 minutes unless the national teams ready up themselves. If present, a referee may force the map start if players don't ready up in time.
- If present, a referee will pause the match whenever a player overflows or crashes. The pause may last no longer than 5 minutes (enough time to reboot and reconnect). The maximum total pause time is 10 minutes per map per team. A map can be paused no more than 5 times for the same problem of the same player (i.e. repeating lag bursts) in the entire match. After that, the player has to play with his problem or be replaced.
- Players are allowed to pause themselves in case of visible technical problems of a player. Tactical time outs are not allowed.

After the game:

- The matchresults must be given from both teams to the same supervisor. Screenshots may be required in case of conflict, and are preferred.

Further rules regarding the tournament structure and layout will be announced once all teams are registered.

Any other questions regarding the ruleset can be asked to supervisors in