Finland Finland vs Poland Poland

Date and Time: Thursday 4th September 2008, 20:30 GMT

Road to the Semis! ]
Poland 4 - 0 Slovakia
Poland 4 - 2 United States of America
Poland 4 - 0 Malta
Poland 4 - 2 Hungary
Finland 4 - 0 Estonia
Finland 4 - 2 Japan
Finland 4 - 0 Sweden
Finland 4 - 0 Czech Republic

Another huge game with another two massive names in the world of NC matches, this one also promises to be cracker of a game, with a somewhat new-school vs old-school feel about it. Again, both teams have moved through the tournament relatively unscathed in terms of their progression, in two very different fashions.

Lineups! ]
Poland wiesiek
Poland dialer
Poland krisek
Poland zMk
Poland Xanah
Poland S4rna
Poland Dolar
Finland Squall
Finland decem
Finland stuka
Finland chmpp
Finland crosby
Finland twidi

Lets take a look at Poland first of all. Probably not the most popular NC team on XF, this Polish side has really impressed and with their masses of depth and numerous talented players to call upon, they really haven't been tested so far in this tournament. They suffered a slight lapse in concentration against the US in the group stages but really, that seemed to be a lapse in concentration more than anything.

Their long range shooting while attacking is utterly astonishing and has become their trademark of this tournament so far, against various opponents. It's hard to see where a weakness comes from, as although this Polish team has completely won me over to their style of play, they have yet to come across a real challenge. Someone to push them all the way. Don't me wrong, they did drop a map to the US as I mentioned above but it seemed to be more of a result of boredom and due to the lack of challenge rather than a merited map victory. I'm sure after that map, Captain Poland n00n probably screamed "Pull your fingers out, you bunch of lazy fuck-wits!" in Polish of course.

Anyway, back to the team. Poland zMk and Poland krisek have impressed me the most, along with Poland wiesek although he isn't in Poland's line-up to feature in this match. Still, I worry. Without a real test so far for this Polish team, could this be their major downfall? Could the step up from facing the likes of United States of America fragman and Malta killerboy to veterans such as Finland twidi and Finland chmpp be a little too much of a shock to their systems? Hopefully not but if Poland can keep up their impressive, forceful style of play, the seasoned Finnish side could really be stretched.

Poland started off more impressive and have had a little "lull" during the tournament with lack of a real challenge but Finland on the other hand, having started off a little rusty, have gone from strength to strength. With a serious old-school feel to Finland side, the big names have come back from inactivity and army duty to compete in this competition.

As can be expected, it took the Finnish side a little while to get back into the swing of things but once the trans-Atlantic games were surpassed, a certain stride and confidence seems to be present with our bear-cavalry loving Scandinavians. God knows how many EC's the likes of Finland twidi and Finland Squall have competed in and their experience and the experience of this squad in general is infinitely more apparent than that of their Polish opposition.

So in terms of style and flair, I think the Poles have impressed more and in terms of experience and a generally better mind-set going into this game, Finland have to get credit where credit is due. So the question has to be asked, how do we split these two sides? The pure raw talent of Poland against the experience, the organisation of Finland. Another hard one to call.

Again, I've really pondered hard over this one. It's really tough to call. Most would say Finland will easily win this one but I don't know, if Finland do manage to make it through to the final, it will be the result of hard graft and teamwork, rather than elaborate, individual efforts.

I definitely feel this match will go into a decider, that much to me is certain. As for the decider, hmm. Finland have the experience to call upon at that crucial time and I honestly think the big occasion may get to some of the Polish players, so I'll say Finland 4 - 2 Poland but really, that's a guess more than anything, it could so easily swing the other way.

As before, my opinion means little. So again, a little inside knowledge from the people involved goes a long way, especially when deciding who you should spectate and when the dust settles, who will claim a place in our XF NC Final!

Quote by wiesekFirst of all, I would like to say something about our game versus Finland. I didn`t play any 6on6 game before this match. I only played three officials games for my country. Our opponents maybe weren`t good, but as you know, we played this NC without players from Fear Factory X-Fi, so in my opinion we did our best.

The next game versus Finland will be very hard.We haven't practiced in this NC and we are not gonna do it before this match as well. When I see a lot of opinions about Poland and Polish people I`m really upset, because in other countries there are many cheaters and stupid guys, but the crossfire community doesn't want to see that. When we were at CDC 2 or PGA 2006 none said "Polaks of fuck polish!" because they were scared?

On the Internet we have gotten a lot of whining idiots and retards but in real life, they are normal people. Finally if we will do our best, we can pick up one map or maybe do something more. I want to greet everybody from Fear Factory X-Fi, sweet kiss for my dear friend Wrobel and also greets to Polish fans.