We’ve got Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia Herzegowina and hamilton’s apply. As he wrote: “ I am the founder of Balkan’ biggest Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory clan “I Kannt Spall””. bizkid and drv4c revieled that adizz is hiding under hamilton’s nick.

Switzerland Switzerland at the moment got the obvious choice. vegi is the only candidate so far. Having in mind the fact that DabSter’s cb ban expires in 1.3.2009, Swiss may have some problems in creating decent lineup.

M@x. from Chile Chile is the only candidate but he has got experience in leading team in Crossfire Nationscup. Current backup of Highbot is a league cordinator in Chile Chile as well.

Kirark applied to be team captain of Japan Japan. Current member of [*EU*] United Soldiers of Europe has been on captain duties during Crossfire Nationscup.

Loo – Czech Republic Czech Republic , muffzre – Denmark Denmark, BoRi- Hungary Hungary, Bilgrim – Ireland Ireland, destiny- Israel Israel, BlaZeR- Mexico Mexico, mamalukes- Italy Italy, Strider – selected by community of Portugal Portugal, boorn! – Romania Romania, nordaN – Sweden Sweden, carniee- Slovenia Slovenia, CML- Slovakia Slovak Republic, twist3r – Ukraine Ukraine.