This article is taken from french website It is the second part (out of three) of a dossier about the cheat. MaltaKiLl3rBoy is answering 10 questions about Anti-Pro, ClanBase and himself.

image: kb_wolfa1

Interview : KiLl3rBoy

Question 1 - Hello KiLl3rBoy, could you introduce yourself to the community ?

Hello KDL, my name is Gary, I'm 18 years old and live in Malta. In real life I'm a medical student, while on the internet I am a ClanBase Admin and CheatBuster. I am here mainly to try and keep Enemy Territory alive and keep some order in the cheating department.

Question 2 - We know netCoders for providing cheats. Is there any other site like them ? If yes, how many ?

Yes there are many other sites like netCoders, which are very popular but not in the Enemy Territory series. As far as I know there are only 3 "semi-stabe" sites which sell unique private cheats for ET: netCoders, mombot & palehook ; sometimes you have bimbot but it is practically dead for some months and there is another site called hullhook which is coding its own ET private cheat, but at the moment it is another wnb cheat site which provides free detected hacks, just like nothing to worry about. In CoD series there are much more, i guess around 5/6 and they are very popular in the CoD scene.

Question 3 - What are their goals ? Do they realise they are destroying a game ? What do you think about it ? Are you blaming them or the players ?

They do not really have a goal, to me it's more like trying to "beat the system" to show off, just because PunkBuster isn't good enough. Main reason why they do this is because of money, they get good "pocket money" out of it. They realise they are destroying the game, but why should they care aslong as they sell cheats ?

Obviously I think it's pathetic, i would never imagine myself buying cheats for an online game, because someday you will get caught and I don't see the point of winning using cheats and being proud of it, when deep down you know you didn't deserve it and it was the bot who did the work for you. Blame the cheatcoders for making the cheats & blame the players for being stupid enough to buy and run their trojan bots, knowing they will get busted in the next list.

Question 4 - How do you get those famous lists ? How do you bust a player ?

Most common busting is PBBans/GV. Both provide you the banned PBGuid and IP, so first i cross-reference their IP with ClanBase and same goes with their PBGuid, if they have a new IP and PBGuid you can search for more player info on yawn or pbbans and it will show you their other linked guids or ips, and i have to check these ips or guids with CB. Every "hacker" has his secrets, fusen had his method, me & mamalukas has our method, s3xy (latest guy who's getting their database) has his method, but i guess fusens method was different than s3xy's method, and ours was totally different and had the method was definately not illegal, unlike other hacking methods.

It was very simple and hilarious when since it took netCoders almost 8 months to find out what we were doing. The lists have all the data you would ever need: Computer Specifications, hardware info, hardisk info, cd/dvd drive info, RAM info, CPU version, Computer Username, all the programs you had running while using the bot (similair to the list you have in your taskmanager) the time they used the bot, time they stopped using the bot, username, password, paypal email, paypal name + surname, paypal transaction id, ability to reset your BIOS settings and theoretically kill your hardisk (it was in their serverauth file), not to mention all of this stuff is illegal.

Question 5 - How many types of bust there are ?

There are many types of busts aka cheat violations.
Multihack, Gamehack, Gamehook, Wallhack, Aimbot, Speedhack, Video Driver Hack, Autofire, PB Hack. Generic CVAR Scans, Generic BIND Scans and md5 file catches come from pbbans/gv/ggc etc depending on who you are streaming too.

Question 6 - Why did CB (I mean you & Homer) allowed OVERLOAd to play ? Is that because you'd have not to accept guys like Perfo, Meez, etc if you refuse them ? But don't you think their bust don't have the same value ?

After they admitted they cheated in some wars we ClanBase didn't allow them to compete for 1 year from all competitions, eventhough we couldn't ban them (since there was no bannable evidence some of them cheated), if we had bannable evidence to ban them they would have gotten the standard 6month ban, so disallowing them for 1 year was justified/enough. They also claimed they are allowed to go to CC7 and they will be playing there, so there was no real point in disallowing them from EC forever, else there would be no point in serving your ban, permanent bans don't work, especially in ET, even in real life, you don't get a lifetime sentence for breaking a law (unless you are a serial killer) ; if you are a "serial cheater" you will get a permanent ban though :).

Also another reason we allowed them is because it would make more "harm" in the ET scene, there aren't many high skilled teams left, and banning them for more than a year is just too much. Perfo and meez were busted for cheating in a public, it does not as bad a cheating in wars, and Perfo's ban is probably 3 years old and Meez's is something like that aswell.

Question 7 - Let's talk about Anti-Pro : What can make you say it is better then PB ?

The difference between PunkBuster and Anti-Pro is everything, they are totally different because PunkBuster's methods of detecting are hilarious. We all remember netCoders exposing PunkBuster in March 2008. A difference is that PunkBuster is more of a "defensive" anti-cheat, what do I mean? I mean PunkBuster will almost never detect a bot unless someone leaks it to them, unlike with Anti-Pro the bot is not needed to be detected, PunkBuster uses "specific detection". PunkBuster uses PBss and Scanning as their main detection. Everyone knows that screenshots will always be bypassable and should never be used as a main detection method (same goes for XRAY anti-cheat).

Don't really have much information about Anti-Pro, since foxdie has never made them public i guess, but afaik it uses lots of memory scanning, hooking detection, and many more stuff i have no idea about. That's one of the reasons why Anti-Pro is taking long, foxdie keeps on bombarding anti-pro with more detection methods.

Question 8 - How will be the bans listed ? Will there be similitudes with PB, like Anti-Pro guid, a website (Anti-Probans) ? If yes, how would it be administrated and by who ?

We haven't really talked about this yet, but there will be an Anti-Pro HUB in the future (just like PBBans HUB) and probably there will be an Anti-Pro banlist (Antipro account, ip, cheat violation etc). I don't really know who will be the adminstrator of it, foxdie and maybe shizo will be the site admin, no idea tbh since we never really talked about it that much, maybe we will use silent detections aswell, and keep the banlist for admins only, or maybe anti-pro won't kick cheaters but will put them on the private banlist so the cheater will never know if his bot is detected or not. There are many possibilities, but these still have to be discussed.

Question 9 - Why is it so long to come out ? Do you think it will replace PB ? Are you going to use it for the upcoming EuroCup ?

There were some communication bugs which kicked people for having bad internet quality (i was one of them), but most of these bugs have been fixed in the betas, also as i mentioned before, foxdie is still adding more and more detection methods. I have no doubt it will replace PunkBuster in Enemy Territory, foxdie is an ex-PBBans admin and used to help PunkBuster(EvenBalance) and from what he says, some of their staff really are bad. You don't really need to be a rocket scientist to notice :).

We had plans of trying it out for EuroCup, but we decided not to rush Anti-Pro that much, the most important thing is that when it is ready it will work like a charm. Hopefully if it is ready we can use it for the last few matches of EuroCup, but if not, it should be ready for NationsCup which starts in ~3months.

Question 10 - Do you think that E.T has a chance to survive now that YAWn is back, Anti-Pro is on the road and You are Exposed has just been revealed ?

In my opinion, E.T would have survived without Yawn anyway, PBBans is much better and reliable, only advantage Yawn has is that it provides ETPro Guids, but everyone knows "etpro guids are unreliable and should not be used" - etpro dev team. and anyone can submit fake data to yawn site. Also i think that yawn is not logging information anymore, last GUID is from July. Either it is very slow in updating or they are still fixing stuff, or it's inactive/dead and just proving guid history. Anti-Pro will keep ET alive and YAE was/is very promising because it can be implemented with Crossfire & Anti-Pro.

image: pb

Bonus Questions

Do you think that Anti-Pro could be the savior we always wanted ?

Why did you chose to fight against cheaters ?
I guess it's in me to be honest.

What do you say if I tell you that you killed Enemy Territory ?
I smile.

What do you think of bust.avi ?
Witchunt, but atleast it will scare off some cheaters.

Don't you think, sometimes, that even with all of your involvment, E.T is not changing ? Or are you waiting for Anti-Pro to be the "messy" ?
Well i know that if i was not involved in cheating there would be far more cheaters and almost nobody would be care or be afraid about getting caught. Anti-Pro will make life easier and make cheating pointless, since it will be updated rapidly. I think it can kill off competition cheating, since it would make no sense to buy a bot which will be detected for some weeks and undetected for 1 day. Cat & Mouse game.
Are you friend with some cheaters? They are normal people, if they respect me I respect them, i know a lot of cheaters I have busted told me I'm a nice guy. So I guess I'll have to say yeah I got some (ex)cheater friends, but not those which are currently cheating, I will never support them.

According to you, out of 100 players, how many are cheating (only in ETpro)
Currently cheating ~11% ; Cheated in the past 42%

Who's gonna win the EC ?
Something is telling me Masculine_Mans won't win it this time, so i'll go for EC winners

Have you played Wolfenstein ? What do you think about it ? Do you think that cheaters could invade the game as they did with Wolfenstein ?
Yeah i have played Wolfenstein, the MP is not really good, but playable with wolfpro, there won't be many cheaters, since there aren't a lot of players and it didn't make such a hit, just like with ET:QW there were only 13 nC customers, half of them american.

If you have something to say, it is now!

Thanks for reading, hope you have enjoyed it, and unfortunately this is goodbye, will have to quit or move into inactivity (online in weekends only). Reason lies somehere in this column:

Really wish to attend CC7 and meet everyone from crossfire. Shoutout goes to whole ClanBase Crew, Crossfire Admins, clanmates, friends, and anyone i have ever talked to i guess. I'll be back.

Images by FrancePhaLoiD
Interview by FranceKDL