Malta Killerboy: Firstly, from the current season system, do you think we should change or improve upon something, or is this method fine? I.e using qualifiers to make seedings. Who prefers to go first? If not ill pick somebody :D
Poland naga: I pick drago! =D
Finland Sample: The qualifiers were pretty good actually. i really liked that clans should fight for their seeds, and not just be selected "randomly".
Poland naga: I actually think the system is far better than the one we had before, since now it takes more than a single game to get yourself a place in the EC. Even if you loose that one game due to bad disposition or sth you can still recover in the latter match and still play in the EC though entering the competition from a lower poule.
FinlandKapaa: And now we get new teams into ec.

Malta Killerboy: I agree. What about you dignitas\drago?
Finland Sample: afk ;(
Poland naga: He probably never noticed that the system was different since he is so used to having a direct invite to EC =D
Finland Sample: Could be true :P

Narrator: After a moment of dead silence on the channel:

Finland Sample: Let's continue, i think he won't disagree.

Malta Killerboy: Ye, ok then. We have also seen some "shocking" results such as ewave winning over diversus and also winning a map vs Speedlink did it come to you as a surprise that diversus got eliminated, and that eWAVE were so strong? They also won vs TAG in the EMS Qualifier. In this order Sample: -> naga -> Kapaa
Poland naga: dignitas\drago is not included? =D
Finland Sample: Kinda, but we gotta remember that diversus consist of players who are extremely inactive. With a solid team work u can achieve a lot
and tag is known as a mix.
Poland naga: Diversus has some well known players in their roster. Particularly, Sarna and kot, but they are more of a sunday mix than a team. You need at least some practice before you start powning so I guess that's what they were lacking. Because of this ewave had a good chance of getting something from the game after all and they did.
Germany drago: I think they have a huge problem with 5on5, as it requires to adapt and they rarely prac.
FinlandKapaa: +1 to Sample: and this only makes good for the whole community and oldschool pwners find out that you wont get far without passion :D
Finland Sample: Newschoolers rule the world :P
Poland naga: Kapaa you make it sound as if ET was SERIOUS BUSINESS!

Malta Killerboy: Is EC serious business? :P
FinlandKapaa:: It was tbh, not anymore :D
Finland Sample: FOR ME IT IS!
Poland naga: I think this EC is more of a serious business than the last one where there two types of teams: mixes and actual teams that folded either way =D
Finland Sample: The last one was a joke.

Malta Killerboy: So do we agree that a competition becomes serious depending on which clans signed up, and will it mean you will practice harder this time?
Finland Sample: Yes. last season wasn't serious business at all because no one was playing. now there are a lot good teams so there is something to reach. Sadly i cant with my current clan because matias and lepari are too inactive. Gotta keep myself in a shape with krp-mixgames.
FinlandKapaa: I guess most teams keep praccing before EC starts and then it ends :D
Poland naga: If better teams sign up it is most likely that you will get a better prac. I remember last season getting a good prac was damn hard. Most of the time you ended up with a team which you could pretty much outshoot and the prac itself was useless.
Finland Sample: True.
FinlandKapaa: But timing of Antwerp LAN is also good and maybe teams keep training.
Poland naga: Agreed, teams always prac more if there is a lan on schedule.

Malta Killerboy: To add with what Kapaa said, exactly after EC there is the Antwerp LAN and also the Danish lan few months later, and we might have a CC8 aswell, seeing how ET is turned into a LAN-game, if it was thanks to the change from 6on6 to 5on5, do you think it was worth the change?
Poland naga: I think the change from 6on6 to 5on5 was not the only factor. Everyone had high hopes for Wolfenstein, which turned out to be so bad that no words can actually describe it properly. That gave an opportunity for ET to have a kind of renaissance and the 5on5 system was just a breath of fresh air it needed.
Finland Sample: Nothing more to add.
FinlandKapaa: I am ok with it but it's really boring to watch ettv and I still prefer 6on6.
Poland naga: In other words, Kapaa <3 SPAM!
FinlandKapaa: When I am watching ettv ofc i like to see some multikills etc :D
Poland naga: When im an engie i don't like being artied, airstriked and rifled at.

Malta Killerboy: Do you think the ET antwerp committee BelgiumKrosan formed should work on making 5on5 more "spammier" or less spam is better?
Finland Sample: It's okay as it is now. decreasing rifle ammo doesn't change too much and artillery charge time is good also.
FinlandKapaa: +1 :D
Poland naga: +2 ^^

Malta Killerboy: Let's move onto the groups. Which team do you think we'll get the wooden spoon?
Finland Sample: What's angeldust's lineup? Chizzel, illumise, withe, crook and someone. I'll pick them.
Malta Killerboy: Vapor.
FinlandKapaa:: I pick EU :D
Poland naga: Call me crazy but I'm willing to say Impact. Their lineup changes every evening, i dont know who is their rifle and the brain of the team, toxic, lags even more than me =D
FinlandKapaa: You are not crazy.

Malta Killerboy: Group of death?
Finland Sample: Group of death: C.
FinlandKapaa: C, I guess almost every team in group C would win group A :D
Poland naga: I guess every team in group C would have no problem snatching at least a 2nd place in any other group and i also think there is some conspiracy behind fucking tMoe up with that group!
Finland Sample: Ovr is the weakest one imo, only maus carrying
Malta Killerboy: I kind of agree with Finland Sample:, as soon as maus gets full they loose the stage :P
FinlandKapaa:: Yeah, it's pretty important to give comms if you get mAus full :D

Malta Killerboy: If you could make a change to the groups what would it be (the only rule is, you cannot have the same clans who faced eachother during qualifiers)?
Finland Sample: I would take one from group C (tmoe/eM/rockit) to group D and replace with phantoms or EU.
Malta Killerboy: Phantoms played vs frogz.
Finland Sample: Oh, EU then.
Malta Killerboy: So did EU :)
FinlandKapaa: I wouldn't change anything "ofc" and what chmpp said it's more interesting when you have group "s" which can not know who get into playoffs and in my opinion if you wanna win something you have to win almost every single clan
Finland Sample: Killerboy, just one from group D except us :P
Malta Killerboy: Only bF would be possible.
Poland naga: I would switch EM with 1stCav or whoever else in that group that has not played against EM in the qualifiers.

Malta Killerboy: As 1stCav played vs speedlink, you can't. Do you think c45 will pass their group considering they lost sqzz and razz, nuggan is now backup and ati quit, will reaz virtu and fobje fill in their shoes?
FinlandKapaa: I trust Kamz.
Finland Sample: It depends on Impact's performance. Their latest results haven't been that good. If impact can solve their problems, colt45 is out of EC.
Poland naga: Like Finland Sample: said it all depends on Impact, but also on whether Zsolt will be as good as before he left ET for CoD4.

Malta Killerboy: What about vae and berza?
Finland Sample: I'm pretty sure they are in top3.
FinlandKapaa: Vae getting raped maybe 3rd/
Poland naga: I wouldn't be so sure about berza.
Malta Killerboy: Numeric told me they only prac once a week and its for fun.
Poland naga: Unless they prac to adapt to 5on5 it might be a struggle for them. Furthermore if you look at their lineup, they have Wiesiek and Templar. Wiesiek is a sick aimer, but not the best reviving medic. On the other hand templar basically just waits at a corner trying to backrape someone most of the time. Unless at least one of them takes a more reviving role Berza may end up attacking with a single reviving medic on some maps. However, I think Wrobel can talk them into playing more for the team and get some revives going when necessary.
Finland Sample: Killerboy, let's move on :P prac time soon.

Malta Killerboy: Would you mind playing the EC Final at Antwerp (i.e if you are attending)? Blight, tmoe and vae are going i suppose.
Poland naga: I'd love to! =D
FinlandKapaa: Vae is not going! Twidi can't and also chmpp.
Malta Killerboy: But you won't get into the final anyway! xD
FinlandKapaa: Yep.
Finland Sample: Wouldnt mind if both finalists are going, otherwise no because after all its just an online tournament

Malta Killerboy: So Sample, if you are in the final against blight or tmoe would you play it online or offline?
Finland Sample: If we get a sponsor we will be there... so offline. If not, online.

Malta Killerboy: Is getting a sponsor hard considering you won the last 2 ECs and an EMS?
Finland Sample:Yes, it is.
FinlandKapaa: It is trust me. I have been trying since we won first EC.

Malta Killerboy: So, I should mention to Krosan and his committee to work on getting more sponsors for ET, i guess this would be a huge boost for lan teams...... do you think ET can attract "big" sponsors that at the moment are sponsoring CoD4, considering ET is getting a good number of signups at LAN?
FinlandKapaa: No, I don't think so.
Poland naga: I certainly hope so, but it might be hard to achieve.
Finland Sample: +1 to naga

Malta Killerboy: Was going to ask smth about prizes on online competitions, do you compete for the prizes or for the fame or are prizes just a "boost"?
Finland Sample: It's just a boost, mostly for the e-fame :PPP

Malta Killerboy: Thanks for your time and good luck in EC and other competitions.
FinlandKapaa: Shoutouts to Kamz.
Finland Sample: Thanks dudes, remember garymate.