The BelgiumOverload side have been under constant lineup changes this season, first vila & zeto being excluded from the lineup, then mesq and now BelgiumdAvid having to drop out after his computer crashed and was replaced not so long ago by dutchstar Netherlandsjoop.

Team Overload

Joop seemed like a reasonable replacement for dAv1d, but seems like there have been some problems with this addition, ingame leader lio was definitely not pleased with joop's performances as a medic and as a result he had to sacrifice chry, who had to drop his engineer position and give it to joop, quite a risky move considering chry has been an outstanding engineer this season and ranked along side drago, ENSAM & Clown but teammate BelgiumJere claims that the call by lio was a positive one and the team is now functioning much better than before.

After having been knocked out after an outstanding an exciting match versus Impact where image: asd decided the outcome of a map (supply) which led to a match, they could have taken a 4-0 win if they won supply, but it went to a decider and rightfully so, Impact were a better side on that map.

As usual all eyes will be on BelgiummAus, it's just a delight watching his aiming both offline and online, and he will be expected to carry the team to the final, as mAus has played a total of 5 lans, just like Matias.

CDC4 (as EDiT)