Reporting scores

You have to have a screenshot of guids and a screenshot showing all nicks after every round. Command for checking slac guids is /sl_players. You also should check guids of yur opponents BEFORE a game !!!
Correct screenshot (as you can see, all nicknames are clearly seen):

image: nofolderselectedgotoste

When enemy is not available, you have to make a screenshot of cb irc war channel with timestamps. Example:
image: ircempty

As you can see, timestamps are added. To add a timestamp at mIRC, go to options panel -> irc -> messages -> select timestamps.
image: timestamps

Also, you have to attach a matchlink.
There are 2 ways of reporting a score – one way is to post a thread on cup forum and second one is to email a cup supervisor.

How to find a cb irc war channel?

Go to cup page. Then visit roster page.
image: cupmenu

Find your league and group (or playoffs). Check dates and you will see a cb irc war channel you are suppose to be present at.

Contacting cup supervisors

Go to a cup/ladder page you need help. Find a panel with Cup Contacts which is located on the middle left side of a cup/ladder page.
image: contactz

Those are people who can help you. There is no need to pm any operator on because most of them don’t have proper rights to help you out !