United Kingdom Team Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Germany drago
Finland Matias
Finland olBaa
Finland Squall

4:0 squad.ee - ESL Major Series VII[
4:0 Aero Gaming - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:0 Aero Gaming - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 Rage-Gaming - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
4:0 to Make odds even - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
4:0 energy-WAVE - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:0 Most Valuable Players - ESL Major Series VII

7 games, 7 wins

With a 100% record this month, Team Dignitas storm in at #1 without losing a round. They have performed well when needed and never really looked like having any problems. Dignitas rise one spot to 1st after last months joint 2nd place with Giants Gaming.

United Kingdom The Last Resort

Netherlands hayaa
Belgium mAus
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Italy XyLoS

4:0 gZcon - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:0 Rage-Gaming - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 blurred vision - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 Most Valuable Players - CB ET EuroCup XXII
2:4 Most Valuable Players - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 Aero Gaming - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 Rage-Gaming - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:2 OVERLOAd - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 to Make odds even - ZOWIE ET G-Cup

10 games, 9 wins and 1 Loss

A good start to the month saw TLR's winning streak get broken by MVP, they also dropped a map to OVERLOAd in a close matchup - but their performances were solid and with 9 wins this month they sit in second place, dropping one spot from last months 1st position.

EuropeMost Valuable Players

Belgium chry
Poland Frag'Stealer
United Kingdom Jinosta
Poland numeric
United Kingdom Razz
Poland zMk

4:2 stronger than hate - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
0:4 The Last Resort - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:2 The Last Resort - ESL Major Series VII
4:2 Giants Gaming - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
4:0 stronger than hate - CB ET EuroCup XXII
0:4 Team Dignitas - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 Giants Gaming - ESL Major Series VII
4:2 energy-WAVE - CB ET EuroCup XXII

8 games, 6 wins and 2 losses

MVP have been performing well over the last few weeks and their 3rd place comes as no surprise, most neutrals favourites who have been putting a bit of energy back into the game showing other teams that their is a possibility to break down the 'Big Two' with a great 4-2 win over The Last Resort.