Germany Anexis eSports

Netherlands Jay
Belgium mAus
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Italy XyLoS

4:0 vs zeroskill NEVO Heatwave Challenge Qualifiers 28.07 21:00
4:2 vs Team Dignitas SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 12:45
4:0 vs Next Evolution ESC SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 09:15
4:2 vs NORDIC-eSport SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 02.07 20:00
4:0 vs WinFakt! SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 02.07 17:45
4:0 vs SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 01.07 23:45
4:0 vs #ALMIGHTY.ET SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 01.07 22:30
4:0 vs Highheels 01.07 21:30

Won 8 lost 0
100% wins
32:4 rounds won:lost

Anexis were SAGE champions last month after only dropping 2 maps at the event. They have since added Germany FLoPJEHZ to their roster as a backup for Italy XyLoS for the summer months, although this may change for next season with the German probably wanting more play time then what would be available to him.

United Kingdom Team Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Finland sQUALL
Germany urtier
France kARnAJ
Netherlands ZaK
Germany drago
Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Night

4:0 vs Team - Zodiacx NEVO Heatwave Challenge Qualifiers 28.07 20:00
2:4 vs Anexis eSports SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 12:45
4:2 vs Next Evolution ESC SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 11:00
4:0 vs NORDIC-eSport SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 09:00
4:0 vs gaming2perfection SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 02.07 21:00
0:4 vs Next Evolution ESC 02.07 18:45
4:0 vs #ALMIGHTY.ET SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 02.07 16:1
4:0 vs WinFakt! SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament (group) 01.07 12:30
4:0 vs Team-Refuse SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament (group) 01.07 11:30
4:0 vs wnbpro SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament (group) 01.07 09:00

Won 8 lost 2
80% wins
32:10 rounds won:lost

Team Dignitas perhaps surprised many with their SAGE performance after their run up to the event was poor as some of the team seemed rusty. But they secured second place after a dreadful Seeding performance topping their group against the former WinFakt team, now known as SKK. They lost out to The new WinFakt team then known as Nevo in the playoffs but had their revenge in the Lower Bracket Final giving themselves a chance against Anexis who they eventually lost to in a 4:2 result.

Belgium Team WinFakt

Belgium AL1
Belgium Jere
Belgium ecklav
Netherlands Leonneke
Germany Felix
Belgium chry
Belgium Sup3R
Belgium uNDEAd

4:2 vs The eXtinct NEVO Heatwave Challenge Qualifiers 27.07 21:15
2:4 vs Team Dignitas SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 11:00
0:4 vs Anexis eSports SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 03.07 09:15
4:0 vs Team Dignitas SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 02.07 18:45
4:2 vs teamoxid SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 02.07 17:15
4:2 vs gaming2perfection SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 01.07 13:30
4:0 vs Epic #epic-eSports SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 01.07 12:15
4:0 vs Titanz SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament 01.07 11:30

Won 6 lost 2
75% won
26:12 rounds won:lost

The new WinFakt team had a run of good results in the SAGE tournament under their former name of Next Evolution but after the events that went on at the organisation Team WinFakt were happy to take them on board. Although 3rd place is a great position for the belgians they may well be slightly dissapointed as a place in the Grand Final was within their reach.