Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Hey rbnt, please introduce yourself!

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: Hola! I'm Dirk Linsen, a 19 year old student who lives in a small village outside Nijmegen, Holland.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Tell us a bit about your gaming-career.

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: I've been around in ET for quite a long time, kind of from the very beginning. At that point though,
I was not so much involved with the topclans and such and I was playing for the infamous Blood Brothers 4 Ever! :D
In the course of time I have played for several teams such as K@ozZ, dHb, SoF, psY.esports (clanhopper)
finally ending up in remedium where me, raSen and visore built a team which consisted of players such as torspo, reaper, ae and faist.
Thereafter I rebuilt remedium several times, always playing at a reasonable level. Right now I am playing for komedia, which is a team set up by shy and keran.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Can you share with us your best moment or your biggest effort in et?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: Well, a big effort was to keep the Team-NL guys active during Nationscup for sure :P
But a few of my best moments were probably winning the NC (eventhough I didnt play myself it was still a reward xD),
playing at CPC and leading a few really nice teams in remedium.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Komedia is not a 0815 name like ...-Gaming. Who got the idea to use such a name?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: Actually faissti came up with the name :-D And I must admit I believe it had something to do with parodia, but who really cares. =) It's just a name!

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: It is a quite new team with a lot of well know players. What do you think is more important:
the skill of each - or the teamexperience?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: I believe that in any given team, both factors have to be present if you want to perform properly.
Also Keran is quite a good leader which is ofcource important as well. Next to that, we ofcource benefit from having a few very skilled aimers in the team
and there is enough experience present as well.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: You were one of the lucky spectators- and player on the xfire-lan if i am right.
Tell us a bit about your experience and about the atmosphere!

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: It was absolutely brilliant! :-d The playing part was really cool and it was very nice to see others play in real live, but for as far as I am concerned,
the nicest thing was how everyone could get along so well. We had loads of fun in the evening. I believe T&F and idle etc
had a lot of fun but we (dmize, czar and some more who were sleeping at The Room) had a great saturday night together as well
and it was awesome to meet all those people in real.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: What is the et-community in need of?
More ladders/cups, more prizes, better discussions about changes/not that much whine without an argument,
something like a comitee with well known guys which can decide what will happen or something else?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: The solution for this problem, in my eyes, would be more communication amongst the different cups and ladders etc,
why this is so difficult I can not understand.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: If you could change one thing in et... What would it be?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: I'd definately change everything back to 6on6. Not only would that undo the current "gap" within the community,
it is in my eyes just the only teamformat suitable for ET. In 5on5, maps are too empty.
It's boring and it changes ET into a game where mixteams without any form of tax can win a match easily.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: What is your most hated map?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: My most hated map is crevasse. I am really sorry but it's a big waste of bandwith xD No disrespect to the maker of the map, but in my opinion it is really bad.
And I do not understand why we dont take delivery as the new custom map. It worked out fine at quakecon. Everyone could see how exciting the map was in the match between
crossfire and KiH (or was it idle?). If it is REALLY needed to take in new customs, I really dont see why we dont start by taking delivery in first!

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9:Why? Do you dont like the style of the map? the obj. or something else ;D?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: It's no use to ask what I dont like, the list of things I do like about it is way shorter ;D. It's just not suitable for competition and the whole idea of the map is sucky :P

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Lets come to some #ET-Cup related questions: What is your goal in the current cup?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: I suppose keran just signed us up to gain some "official" experience. Ofcource we do aim to take it as far as we possibly can,
but I feel our priorities are being shifted to 5on5 as we do aim to compete in the EuroCup and at as many LANS as possible.
People can call me naive for playing 5on5, even though I am against it so much, but really I never said I wont play it.
I just think it's a big waste =(

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Do you think we should host more cups with a long groupstage and playoffs after or should we organize more "1-week" or "1-day" cups?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: I personally dont really like all those 1 day and 1 week cups. 1 day cups are usually hosted on sundays from about 2 o clock. I really dont understand how people can find time to play ET from 2 o clock untill the evening
on sundays :P I'm really in favour of the longer cups, with a long groupstage etc.

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: After reading the cupannouncement and the mappool with crevasse_b1 in it - what was your first thought (without playing the map once)?
Like 1. "OMG, once again a new shitty custommap." or 2. "Yea, why not - lets try it!"

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: Only naive fools would go for option 1 :-d. There is nothing wrong with testing something on which someone has probably worked for quite a long time.
But there is also nothing wrong with rejecting it when it appears that the map is shit =D

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: reactor, fueldump_b3 or sp_delivery2?

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: Delivery without a shadow of doubt. :p

Germany #ET-Cup|SPU9: Thanks for the interview m8, post your shoutouts here.

Netherlands komedia.rbnt: Shoutout to TosspoT: The big man behind the destruction of ET! :-D