United KingdomSplodge: So Anaconda, tell us abit about yourself.

BelgiumAnaconda: My real name is Han Flamez, i come from Belgium and im 21 years old. I'm in my last year of college, where i study MCT also known as Multimedia and Communications Technology, option Networking.

United KingdomSplodge: How long have you been gaming, and what did you play before you came onto the ET Scene?

BelgiumAnaconda: Euuuuhm, that's a hard one. I've had no computer in my life till i turned 16 from there on i've gone to worse and started to play games.
Games ive played before ET :
Age of Empires, Return to Castle Wolfenstein Demo ( for about 3 years ) , RTCW Full version, Worms, Quake, Fifa, and some other ones which i can't remember at the moment. ( wooops )

United KingdomSplodge: Most people recognise you for your adminning skills rather than playing skill. When did you first identify your interest in this area, and how did you get into your first admin role?

BelgiumAnaconda: When i started to play RTCW Demo, my clan at that moment was organising some cup which was very known in the RTCW Demo section, and ofcourse i wanted to help them out if i could, so i've started spectating matches and filling in scores. When i started to play Enemy Territory, my ET clan joined clanbase and some couple of months later i noticed that Clanbase was in search of NationsCup Admins.
I believed i could do a great job there, so i signed up. And a few days later i got an email stating i was a NC CupAdmin, and i loved the job ever since .

United KingdomSplodge: As most people are aware now, you are one of the new recruits in the CB Admin crew. How are you fitting into your new role?

BelgiumAnaconda: I'm fitting in well, we talk, we discuss, but the real job starts ofcourse till i am assigned to a cup imo. ( OC / EC or NC ) . It has been much fun already, but the big fun will start soon, i hope :D :)

United KingdomSplodge: So, which of those three would you most like to admin and why?

BelgiumAnaconda: That's a question where everybody knows the answer to i guess ... The NationsCup ofcourse, because i have adminned the past 2 seasons, and adminned 17 games each season. And oh why the NC ? Because i have something with the nations thing, i just ... love it ! Just like i love you stud ! <3 :)

United KingdomSplodge: Sshh! Dont tell everyone that we are lovers! xD - So what are your Plans/Ambitions for the future?

BelgiumAnaconda: Depends if you mean in the gaming section or the real life section ... But my biggest ambitions would be to pass my last year, that i can have a great job after i graduate. Other than that, i'm going to San Francisco for 10days in the Easter Holidays, i wished you could come with me honey :(. Other than that, i hope that we can have a great ET season @ Clanbase !

United KingdomSplodge: What are your most memorable moments, and do you have any regrets?

BelgiumAnaconda: I dont have any regrets no and i have a couple of memorable moments but they always come down to the same stuff though : Me beeing a complete noob @ ET like teamkilling, nading myself, pressing my selfkill button when i needed the needle button :( ( 7 is needle, 8 is selfkill, i tend to miss sometimes ) :).

United KingdomSplodge: Okay now for the quickfire question round! :D

United KingdomSplodge: Brown Bread or White Bread?
BelgiumAnaconda: White Bread

United KingdomSplodge: ET or Real Life?
BelgiumAnaconda: Real Life

United KingdomSplodge: PC or Laptop?
BelgiumAnaconda: laptop ftw baby !

United KingdomSplodge: Fame or Success ?
BelgiumAnaconda: Both !

United KingdomSplodge: iTunes or Winamp?
BelgiumAnaconda: Windows Media Player *blush*

United KingdomSplodge: Any shoutouts?
BelgiumAnaconda: zillEh, Keusjama, Skeiz, Michauxke, P!mp, Dejere, Blood, Rad!cal, Thund!e, Ac!d, Geer, Zaza, Adacore, Angrykid, NightRaver, Lunachick, lab, bullvox, evanbraakensiek, vowel, Baggiez, wAyne, Baracuda, Vilango, ponyy,rampage, arni, skooli, otter, FlyingDJ, doneX, steph, andyF1, bebar, TosspoT, Splodge (for the nice interview :)), GamesTV.org broadcasters, Warleagues Ref's & Admins, FaKy, h3ll, nellie, SweHanK, Sepje, JoKaH, Mashed and BUBU!!!