Hi Mashed!

Good evening Splodge how are you?

Im good thanks . Okay mashed, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Ok, well my real name is Benjamin but you probably will know me better as Mashed, I am 15 years old (Birthday June 1st start planning:P) from Leicester United Kingdom and a big fan of Rugby :D

People probably know you for working for Headshot Radio (Previously Preds Radio) - So what was it that first got you into shoutcasting?

Hmm, well I guess you could say it kind of came into play after I stopped playing Enemy Territory and was kind of in the position of where to go next, to move onto another game or to stay in Enemy Territory and do something else, so kind of came into my head of 'hey why not give it a try?' So I did with the help from FlyingDJ and WooKasH and well, here I am.

You say that you started casting after you stopped playing ET, was there any reason for the transition into a different side of ET, or was it just something that interested you?

Really it was both, I came from gaming just finishing up playing with some friends after x86 disbanded, heading into my second year of GCSEs I didn't have the time to practice so much etc. and it's always been an interest of mine with radio and media so

Do you think that your stance in Enemy Territory affects your real life? For example, do you see yourself doing a media related job in the future?

Hmm, tough one. Well, it all depends on how I do in my exams etc. at the moment i'm a pretty all rounded student in all subjects so, maybe, maybe not, it's a possibility that I hope to find out in the future

So back to gaming, or casting, where do you see yourself going in the future? As a relatively up and coming caster, are there any organizations or casters that you’ve wanted to work with, or any particular events you want to cast?

Well really for me I just love doing the casting, just enjoyable for me to do, having listeners enjoy it is a added bonus really. Of course i'd like to work with the usual guys who have inspired me: Tosspot,FlyingDJ and Stewie but also some other HeadShot casters because i'm sure that would be a hell of a lot of fun. Any event for me to be there and cast would be great, unfortunately due to my age and position i'm at the stage i have to work hard for mocks etc. so any would be great, hopefully i'll be at PGA =)

For those who haven’t heard your casts before, how would you describe yourself and what makes you different to the other casters out there?

Uh, that's a tricky one for me to say. To me it's the same but I guess, a different voice, a different personality for people to listen to and hopefully enjoy.

Okay now for the quick-fire question round! :D

Brown Bread or White Bread?

Marmite - Love it or Hate it?
lol i love it :D

Hot or Cold?

5on5 or 6on6?
6on6, original ET style

oldschool or newschool?
ah both, the newschool came from the oldschool but the new is just as good in my opinion

Ok, any shoutouts?

First of all to Splodge doing a great job over at Gamersnation and thankyou very much for this opportunity, HeadShot Radio guys most notably Sinuss,WooKasH and Conr4d, Teamlithium guys: Nexu,Apoc,TheLamb,Sac,Jyrkz,Pox wherever you are, Clanbase people: Nightraver Toxic and of course Anaconda, the guys from snd gaming, kIlla, all the listeners to HeadShot, Tosspot,Stewie,FlyingDJ and anybody I am unfortunate to have forgotten