Netherlands Wesbo: I believe will win, because they seem to have the best line up and teamplay. The core of the team have been playing together for a long time and even though teKoa isn't playing actively anymore I still believe they found a good replacement in jakacz. Other clans I "fear" are zP cdap pi, helix and Abnormal Monkeys. Also I would like to point out that incomplete might pull a stunt and have the skill to end in the top three. Looking at the names my top three will be first, Helix second and incomplete third.

Germany chaoz: Top3: idle,helix..... dunno , uQ? :D In our group are morrigu, netlimiters and zeropoint. netlimiters and zeropoint will be hard since we're not in ec shape yet. I dont know anything about morrigu, never played them or even saw them playing. I would say zeropoint is the team we "fear" most.

Spain Winghaven: 1: idle, 2nd: zP, 3rd: Abnormal Monkeys. Well, the strongest of our group I think is cdap.pi, maybe they're playing only 5on5, but I'm pretty sure they will qualify to playoff.

Switzerland Gifty: I think top three will exist of teams most likely like helix, idle and 141. We might have some chance aswell. I fear NETR the most :P

United Kingdom Sheep: cdap pi will be the hardest game imo, strong team, good players proven themself already. Top 3... probably idle - i think everyone knows why, zp - 6 good players, improving day by day, and the 3rd, I guess cdap-pi so I don't sound ego :D

Malta toxic: 1. idle, 2. zP, 3. cdap/abonormal monkey. Because idle are idle, simple enough. zP are showing alot of commitment and have a bunch of skilled players. cdap because we prac all the time or abnormal monkeys due to their history and potential :) 141, we already faced them earlier and just won.

Hungary CS4f1: In my opinion you will find, Abnormal Monkeys and cdap - Team pi in the top three. Why these teams? About I think you know that answer. Three players of Abnormal Monkeys played in Parodia before. And pi is one of the best teams in present days, I think they are able to win PGA LAN too.

Germany FlyingDJ: idle, helix, zerPoint. Stable and strong.

Netherlands Frop: 1. For obvious reasons and a big ZOMG to everybody who thinks RELOAd doesn't cut it. 2. zP. No proof other than the PGA qualies, but I think they won't have much problems coming second. 3. team helix. Although I think cdap - Team pi have better headsets at the moment, the experience of helix will make them come out on top. In our group I think I "fear" Incomplete the most, as they're the only clan I haven't seen playing up til now. Their recent #ET-Cup victory could mean they can give FF and murso some good games.

Germany biqq: 1., still the strongest team around. 2. hopefully helix, because we're lovely. 3. 141/abnormal monkeys, 141 improved alot since their time in legend, and abnormal monkeys, still have to get back into their old shape, but with those experienced players. We fear no opponent, because there is nothing to fear, although all teams in the group will give us a hard fight.

Sweden blaze: I think this Euro cup will be very tight. It’s hard to predict the top three teams except Idle. If I have to name three teams I would say Idle, Zeropoint and one4one but I hope noll8 will squeeze in there xD. Well I think all the teams in our group are good. Highbot are better now then ever, Helix have played together for very long time now and should never be underestimated. Abnormal Monkeys are potential winners of the EC depending on the shape they will be in. If I really have to name the one I fear most I would say Helix :P

Belgium vila: I think the top 3 will be , idle , hx and zp , they seem the most stable teams to me with perfect balance between aim and teamplay. And i fear cdap the most of our group , the rest should be okay.

Germany urtier: Without being arrogant, I'd say that we will finish first in this EC. Second should be A-Monkeys and third could be Helix, though there are a lot of teams that got the chance to show what they are made off. I think that Incomplete will be our hardest opponent in the groupe. They showed a pretty good performance in crossfight and were playing together in several other clans before.

Finland Tiigeri: Well I dont know I fear blaze's hair, it's so long and black. We need some tax for that to beat them. Well idle will be in top 3 no idea about others. Helix should be one good candinate

France Emorej: i would say idle, abnormal monkeys and zeroPoint Gaming. Idle are still the best, they are quite stable ( it's all the time the same players in rotation ) with best xp, skill & brain, abnormal monkeys if they train they could reach a good level but not enough for beat idle and in 3rd ZP, they have good players but I think this will be most disputed place if abnormal monkeys train. In group B, the natural favorite is cdap - pi cause they had good results lastly, but i think it's a quite open group for each team. I would say aMenti & cdap - pi going in playoffs

Finland jauhis: Let's say that the top3 will be zP,idle and amenti! zP and idle have the experience and skill, amenti is my homer pick :). And I don't know if I fear anyone in our group, helix is pretty good tho

United Kingdom foonr: 1) I don't care (because I don't care!) 2) I don't care (because I don't care!) 3) I don't care (because I don't care!)

Russia humM3L: Well, if you ask me, I think in this EuroCup the situation is clear. We got a very hard group with the group favourite Abnormaly Monkeys, the best team in germany, team helix, and last but not least, the swedish power house noll8. I think helix and monkeys got the best chances to survice the group stage, but time will tell., Abnormal Monkeys and zeropoint will take the 3rd places I think, anyway, good luck to all participating teams.

Poland Mrozu: Well it's too early to predict top3 of upcoming EuroCup, it's still not obvious which teams are good in 6on6, of course the only exception is idle which already showed us some great performance in ESL:IPS. Anyway If I have to choose top3 at this time, assuming from current situation I'd pick, helix and cdap/zP if those will be good in 6on6 as they used to be in 5on5. I only fear one clan in our group and it's obviously

One thing is clear, are still the big favourites. But only time will tell what happens. Good luck to all teams, and let's hope we will see an awesome Eurocup season. Let the games begin!