The self proclaimed CGS Winners have made the first step towards victory after winning the recent seeding tournament. The team boasts some great aimers in Poland Frag'Stealer and Poland lesti, lot of experience in Poland dialer as well as smart shooters in Poland fanatic and Poland Lukey. Finishing off the lineup is Poland czarodziej who will be on the rifle for the tournament.

Poland fanatic
Poland lesti
Poland Lukey
Poland dialer
Poland Frag`Stealer!
Poland czarodziej

Player to watch: Poland lesti
lesti has made a real impact in the Polish ET scene in recent months, being part of the second place Clanbase Nations team as well as finishing part of the runner up team in the recent Clanbase Eurocup. lesti brings with him a strong aim to rival some of the top aimers in scene currently and as long as he is all guns blazing his team have a great chance.

Game Changer: Poland Frag'Stealer
A player who needs no introduction, his shooting and game sense are of the highest order and at any point can exploit even the smallest opportunities. Although not as fresh due to bouts of inactivity, although after his performance in the seeding tournament he has proven he has at least gotten rid of most of the rust.


Poland diversus
The team has a nice feel to it but may rely on the abilities of Poland kot more than anything. Saying that the rest of the lineup has a lot of quality as well in Poland buzka, Poland rio and Poland sarna with Poland Mrozu and Poland oic completing the ranks. Teamplay may be the word of the LAN for this team because they will need it in droves but if it all clicks together, just like with many teams, who knows what could happen for this lineup.

Poland Mrozu
Poland kot
Poland buzka
Poland rio
Poland oic
Poland sarna

Player to watch: Poland kot
kot is one of the most experienced and skilled Polish players in ET's history, he will be very entertaining to watch as he makes everything look simple due to his vast experience. Having quality aim and timing to boot makes him a great all-round player and this weekend could be his as long as everything clicks with his team. Although slightly inactive as well, he is one of the more active old time Polish players.

Game Changer: Poland sarna
sarna on the rifle will be very important for the diversus lineup and if he can kick his performance up to the sort of level he has had online the rest of the team will be given that bit more freedom to play well. There were some levels of inconsistency in the seeding tournament but there were moments of gold and this is what he will hopefully be looking to build on at CGS.


Poland eXile
eXile just missed out on a top8 position in the seeding tournament after a loss to Poland diversus in the second round of the lower bracket. The team were without CGS organiser Poland sonNy in the lineup as he is busy until the event itself but the rest of the lineup were on hand, they are: Poland Marvolo, Poland Saddam, Poland daGGer and Poland eonian. Last minute replacement for the team was Poland Seigen as the unwell Poland Meehow was initially unable to attend, fortunately he recovered in time for the event. The team will hope to go one better at CGS and make the playoffs, but it may be a bridge too far and they may have to settle for third place in the group.

Poland Marvolo
Poland Saddam
Poland sonNy
Poland daGGer
Poland Meehow
Poland eonian

Player to watch: Poland Eonian
Poland Eonian had a reasonable seeding tournament showing some smg skills and helping his team during their games. He will be needed more so at CGS and although his teams progression will not be fully on his shoulders a skilled aimers performance can make a big difference in certain situations. Unfortunately a couple of mercs stole the show for eXile but hopefully this gives other players more room to show what they have at CGS.