germanys next top footballer

he's the uprising star of this world cup

ugly but good
(like me)

image: 2084985540-thomas-mueller-bayerns-neuer-bomber.9

fuck off cacau. he messed up my tip :(
youre ugly nerd? :XDD
y. but u look worse :/
:o strippar marko @ cf
Next top footballer? Besides Ballack a few years ago what top footballer have you had in recent years?
Top rightback, unfortunately not a position you can really shine.
agree and agree
You can shine on any position. Jaap Stam for instance?
jaap stam shined because he was bald
same for roberto carlos ofc
so untrue! watch his freekick goals
still he shined because he was bald! Look at his haircut, office!
office sir!

it was just because of this "unfortunately not a position you can really shine."
you misunderstood me :D

or i misunderstood you :D
you misunderstood me :D

or i misunderstood you :D
Een centrale verdediger kan erboven tornen door een spits totaal onschadelijk te maken, elke bal weg te halen die richting het doel gaat. Een keeper/spits/middenvelder hetzelfde. Een back echter kan minder makkelijk zijn stempel drukken op een wedstrijd. Althans dat vind ik.
Een stempel drukken of schitteren zijn twee verschillende dingen. Het komt simpelweg vaker voor dat een aanvaller of centrale middenvelder een sterspeler is/wordt die schittert, maar het kan in principe met elke positie. Edwin van der Sar en Jaap Stam zijn daar hele goede voorbeelden van.
Ja maar een keeper schittert door reddingen, een centrale verdediger door een muur te zijn. Een back schittert door... Een voorzet?
Een back kan net als een centrale verdediger schitteren door simpelweg fucking goed te zijn. Een Jaap Stam of een Roberto Carlos of een Frank de Boer die schitterden behoorlijk, en zo zijn er nog wel meer te noemen.

Maar zoals ik al zei, het is op een andere positie "makkelijker" om te schitteren omdat het van meer betekenis is in de wedstrijd (scoren of juist een goeie redding etc)
would you please take this discussion to english so everyone could participate?
i remember him
NetherlandsGregory van der Wiel is shining
Give me hope jouachim
anyone got link
Quotefuck off cacau. he messed up my tip :(

#2 -.-

özil and müller are football germanys future...
wat about marin
the socceroo shouldnt got red... but germany is owning them even when they had 11
zzzzzzz -_-

germany's doesnt have any world class players left and you wont get one anytime soon. player plays one good match and hes the next superstar nowadays. sad
rofl you clearly didn't see any Bayern matches this season
I have.. Who's your next superstar then?
I don't say Müller will be Superstar. Was just commenting on his "player plays one good match and hes the next superstar nowadays. sad". Müller performs excellent the whole last season.
Alright. I agree then :P.
how do you know what ive seen from football the last year? That Bayern performed well this season was completely because of a DUTCH coach, not because the german players are such stars. Best Bayern player was a DUTCH guy even so its kinda sad -_- And like Srna sayd underneath us, atleast one german scored tonight lol
So. Kinda proven you have no clue then, eh?
So you want to say it wasnt because of the Dutch coach or Robben? Without those two you never even wouldve came close to the finals roflol... There are more then enough examples of players who did well one season, got sold for 40 million and never performed again. Just funny that you call them superstars after one good season, we thought the same of Sulejmani at Ajax and look where he is now. Not even playing for the national team when we payd close to 17 million for him. That a player has a good season doesnt mean automatically hes the next superstar is what im saying, if you dont agree then you dont have a clue yourself.
Doesn't make much sense to talk with you when you don't even read what I write. Don't think he is a superstar. I don't think he was more important than Robben. Van Gaal himself just knew how awesome Müller is and let him play like every match. Your sentence about him performing just today is just wrong. You can write more cool stuff about cool Dutch footballers which doesn't have any coherence with Müller but I don't really care about it. ;i
Im just trying to say that Muller playing one good season doesnt mean he will do the same again next season, wouldnt be the first time and it happens alot the last few years that people give some players to much credit to soon. But then i guess you dont read what i write either if you dont understand that lol
man you just changed from one match to one season - instead of just writing you are wrong. :-/ if he performs well next season it's just a 2 season wonder?
i think you understand yourself that if he performs well again next season he isnt a one season wonder ;)
lol, nobody said that about muller at all....
sure, the coach plays the games.....
özil will be a big star soon... but germany does not need stars to be good
thats why i hate you germans, arrogant pricks -_- I hope you will fail in 1st round only because of youre last sentence
you mistake DUTCH with german... u just said germany has and had no stars, but they performed way better in the last tourneys than the DUTCH with their "stars"
did i say anywhere that the dutch team performed well with their stars? If you would know me you would know better since im probably one of the biggest criticasters of the dutch team and coach.
you said he is arrogant cause he said a team doesnt need a superstar to play good..
never heard of teamwork? but yeah go play with your superstars
did any team ever won the WC without having a star player? Only teamwork isnt enough, just look at ET, every top team needs its star and its the same in football!
Greece euro 2004, aight.
that was probably the most random team ever winning a EC in the history of football, and i dont think that will ever happen again :)
Still, they didn't have a starplayer and won a big tournament.

Also, Porto in CL 2004.
Almost every player that was in that team grew to be the star players of many top teams in the years after. If you look at it like that Ajax won the CL in 95 without any real star players to but Rijkaard while in the years after they all played for the best teams in the world...
So how is that different to Germany right now?
a national team is a bit different then a regular team that plays competition. Its alot easier to make a good working team in a competition than in a national team because of the simple reason that they dont play as much together. But if germany would win the WC it isnt different at all indeed, just dont see it happen ;)
youre right. but playing good doesnt mean you have to win a WC.
but you act like one of the biggest haters of the german team...seriously gtfo with your football-knowledge!
Lahm is a definitely a world class full-back. They have some great goalkeepers like Adler, Neuer... Your statement is false. :)
atleast he's german

1:0 Poland Podolski
2:0 Poland Klose
3:0 Germany Müller
4:0 Brazil Cacau
Cacau I can agree with, but Podolski was two years old when they moved to Germany and I think Klose was about 7 or 8 or so.
If they weren't german they wouldn't be allowed to play for the german national team would they? ;)
wer geld hat, der kanns
doubt that ;)
In it's essence, becoming a citizen is just paperwork.
dunno how it is in the netherlands but you cannot just come here and get a german passport..
Pretty much any country has ways to make exceptions for "people with exceptional value that is beneficiary for the nation".
Podolski, Klose and Cacau are all living for years in Germany and because of German teams they are what they are right now so I can't see anything wrong and I doubt that anyone would get a passport just so he can play for the national team.
Oh it happens.

Cacao has been playing in Germany since 2001 and got his German Passport in 2009, just FYI.

I think the rules should change for this though. Only if you are born in the country should you be allowed to play for the national team, but that's a whole different topic altogether ;-)
I think it was Podolski who was born in PL and moved to Germany at an age of ~2, so he should play for the polish team just because his parents come from there and he was born there? He was living 99% of his lifetime in Germany and therefore feels and wants to be tret as a german.
Actually, this was an issue during last tournaments as well and his anwer was that he wanted to be seen as a European. Or was that Klose? Can't remember exactly anymore.

But yah, I can understand that if you moved at such a young age it doesn't feel correct, but if it would be a rule that you'd have to be born in that country it would apply to him as well. Just so there will never be any doubt or controversy whether or not a player should be allowed to play for a country yes or no. But like I said, that's an entirely different topic ;-) Germany played well tonight, and Australia really really sucked and made a lot of mistakes in both defense and offense. Congrats and I hope the rest of the cup is a great one (cuz so far most matches were boring)

in additon he didn't receive the german passport in order to play for germany, he was nominated quite a long time later. he got interviewed pretty much often about this whole topic and each time he has to explain that he accepted the german citizenship a) for his family as they feel very comfortable in germany for several years and b) he just feels to be a part of germany. his german is almost perfect and his kids are being raised in germany..
When the players are aubritied they hug their manager and are so happy lol :x
this team will go real far, never seen such chemistry
Well, Klose and Podolski played a very bad season and were under-fire. Löw still trusted them, it was something like a "thank you - hug".
its 1 game, don't get so excited...they haven't played against a nation that actually plays football yet..
never saw such a good gameplay by germany the last 15 years eventhough its against Australia (Who reached the 1/8 final 2006 and mostlikely only lost due to a referee mistake against the current world champion italy...) :)
I'm down on Germany at the moment lads (my two best emates in Ger <3 Tim and Menso) been listening too much the radio how Merkel wants to make the rich richer in NRW etc...

GEZ ftw!
Indeed, du Glied.
Aussie's getting stuffed by the Germans . . . . not the first time the Nazi's have abused a group of prisoners :)
Haha. I bet not everyone gets the reference Australia = jail :):)
ppl with some knowledge about the english history do :)
i feel so uneducated now:<
Long story short, when Australia was discovered England sent all their prisoners there.
ah, ok, thx
he was bad in CL final imo
POTM was Ozil tbh, amazing new talent, never heard about him till today.
he has to score sometimes tbh :/
but very nice passes today and ofc this season
Özil was amazing, except for his stupid dive ^^
Indeed, I had liked to punch his face for that dutch move. :P
The same with Cacau, haha the fuck? You're 4-0 up against 10 men with 2 minutes to go and you do that :D
Cacau's case was different. Simply self-protection. No diving at all.
Was a bit too obvious he was searching for a fault against him, and when that didn't work he just dropped.
dutch move? -___-
It's called swalbe because it's a Dutch move..
In German we call that provozieren. ;)
In the world we call it faking and everyone who ever does it should be banned for a year at least. ( bb Argentina and Italy and Spain and Brazil )
I was talking about naming it 'dutch move'. Read my comment above. There is nothing what I hate more than diving.
What about child molesters?
They are angels compared to divers!
badstuber > müller
müller sucks
Abou Diaby is the uprising star of that word cup
he played well in the first season but couldnt keep his level..
Abou Diaby sounds so Abu Dhabi'sh
Will be tough in 3 matches. :(
Szwaby pierdolone
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