Best Weed you smoked?

Hawaiian haze!

image: haze_rokerij

badman :)
Amnesia from the Kosbor (maas), not the shitty amnesia haze etc.
smth from holland dealer
wats weed?
Don't know shit about weed. The stuff I smoked on Tuesday night was decent but probably shit compared to the real stuff.
white widow
thats hasj!
i don't wanna smoke that, think it will leave me brainless!
It's not hash tho.
:s ok ik weet dat op speciale manier word verkregen, en het prijzig is. thats about it ;p
je moet het een keer proberen. Echt insane, zeker als je waterpijp of w/e gebruikt :)
voel nooit zoveel van hasj, en in jointjes verbrand het ook niet zo goed. :D iceolater in pijpje zal wel tof zijn.
iceolator is geen hash, het is pure thc brand prima. Maar beste in pijpje idd :)
dat is echt te :P
neeeeee is leuk! Vraag maar aan unblind die had het niet meer nadat ie had geprobeerd :DD
ja shit ik nam daar maar 2 hijsjes van van satz en leek wel of ik heledad lachkick had ofzo zo high
had vanavond bijna een gram gehaald voor clownr maar toch iets anders genomen :PP
Hash globe. Google it :D
It's not acual resin, as that's what hash is. It's the resin glands which is something different...
I wouldn't classify it as hash, and most coffeeshops classify it as weed for some reason. But i guess it falls into a middle class somewhere. =]
Resin/resin glands same thing afaik. Ice-o-lator is still hash, it's just a name brand extraction tool. The ice-o-lator is a set of bags made of very fine mesh, the "holes" get progressively smaller on each bag. You put the buds (or trimmings) in, then pour ice cold water on them. The coldness makes the resin glands (aka kief, the stuff that makes good bud sparkle) fall off and they end up in the last bag without all the other stuff you put in. Also known as bubble hash. There are other methods of extraction (qwiso, butane, etc) that make the hash have a different look/consistency.

Although I must admit maybe you're smoking something I haven't seen or heard of.
I know how iceolator is made, and production is pretty similair to hash obv. Im just saying it's classified as weed in many places, and i wouldn't call it traditional hash.
That's really weird, never heard that before... then again I've never been to Holland where people at least have the brains to legalize it. Either way, a hash globe with your favorite bong is a good way to get it into your lungs :D
Isn't it like semi legal in cali now? Well at least medicinal use is picking up @ US right?
Yeah last I heard 13 or so states have provisions for medical and California voters have an initiative on the November ballots to fully legalize it, which polls indicate is gonna pass. Then I believe it's only going to be a matter of time until other states jump on the bandwagon and then the federal government will start discussing it. Honestly the average person isn't against it but there is no political voice for average people in America (20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing if that tells you anything about America). The police have more say in the matter, which is fucked up because of course they want to keep it illegal.
well it's lookin like it's picking up which is nice! But then you've also got public opinion makers like Bill O'Reilly who tend to think that weed is the source of all crime :) Lets hope it's gonna get legalized :)
i dont smoke
you just huff :P
somehow - northern light!
Northern lights is high quality because the genetics are usually really strong, it's hard for a grower to mess it up :)
i just like the taste ;D
a m n e s i a.
Me never even tried smoking :))
+1 to that:)
why +1 , if you want to live its only natural your curious and you try it.
You gain new experiences

that what life is about IMO.
Maybe, but in my own opinion i dont want to come in contact with any form of smoking in the fear of becoming addicted. You know being addicted to something like smoking is one of the most horrible things that can happen? I once had a friend called Steven that tried smoking, he died the next day. Well he was actually hit by a car but that is besides the point. I have attached a picture below of what you may look like in years to come after the effects of smoking have risen upon you.

image: 1

n1 trollin
Hello MBizz,

In your attempt to believe, i will enlighten you with a tale from my childhood.
My friend that I previously mentioned (Steven) came to my house and showed me some examples of this 'trolling' you kindly refer to. I said to him how silly this was and later that day I didnt hesitate to push him infront of an oncoming vehicle. It was a Jaguar actually, therefore i was extremely dissapointed in the state of the vehicle afterwards as it was, as they say 'a write off'. Steven did deserve his punishment as to this day I have created groups in my neighbourhood that fight against the act of trolling. We actually run campaigns and strikes against internet trolling in an attempt to abollish this sad type of joke. Attached is a picture of us participating in a strike against trolling.

Kind regards,


image: Writers-Strike-727625
Thats gonna change in a few months :XD
Same here, but I want to try it sometime :)
Never did and never will
w8 maar tot lan:D
Ik dodge toch weer als het aankomt op wiet roken d:D:
ik dodge die hele lan
pure air
jack haze
some purple stuff
and some skunk from denmark i think
everything from the dampkring
overpriced nub! :)
dampkring ftmfw, was er vanavond nog :))
Milf Weed!
some stuff i got on the west coast of California, was epic
what i just smoked twice. 8D
amnezia haze.
hi marvin, na? bin gut drauf, und du?
hey moe ;)
geht so bin relativ müde nach einer woche praktikum. drecksarbeit, ich hasse nichts mehr als praktikum.
bin schlafen moe
wünsche dir eine gute nacht :-*
Hawaiian Snow (Greenhouse Amsterdam)
G13 Amnesia Haze (Dampkring or if u wanna pay more for less Barneys)
Alaskan Ice (Greenhouse Amsterdam)

Top 3 atm in no particular order
1st blu berry (awesome like strawttabery in the smoke)
2nd orange bud
3th Jackherrer
orange haze i guess
and something called "jack blabla". dont remember
white widow or black widow dunno wich of em it was
hope that black widow will kill you
Vast majority of the strains on this page United States of America :D

My favorite is trainwreck (I smoke all day every day so I got tired of the stuff that knocks you out), but I'm smoking my latest harvest of bag seed right now and it's doing just fine ;)

I'll get pics when I go and get some batteries for my camera, will post when I get them :)
Arjan's Ultra Haze by far.
wtf does haze mean? :D heard it few times
Haze strains are descendants of Purple Haze, which is completely extinct now despite what anybody might try to tell you, but plenty of second generation breeds (aka Purple Haze mother, different father) survived.
friend of mines indoor blueberry.
citronella <333333
remember smoking orange bud with a friend, was pretty good.
only did it once
silver haze
purple haze
orange bud
and OG kush
super silver haze
amnesia is good aswell
2. amnesia
3. ice-o-later
number 3 is really nice ! atleast the effect of it never laughed so hard when i walked in the hotel room @ CC6 and see my team being completely silent watching simpsons
jack herrer from rokerij 2y ago or few outdoor sorts my friend had (church, cheese, himalaya gold..)
super duper duper silver haze
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