IPHONE 4 :))))

unfortunately I wasnt at home and have to pick it up tomorrow morning but still


hf with having no signal as soon as its in youre hand!
Yes because everyone holds their phone by the bottom left...
Haven't had that problem with mine once. Even when I try really hard to lose a signal, it just doesn't go!

I think it's a faulty batch :D
You have to be the biggest Apple fanboy I know.
You have to be the biggest Apple hater I know.
no, that would be me
I want to be the second-biggest then.
I don't hate Apple
Why would that be then?
more biased bullshit please :DD
its so lame how excited ppl get over this shit.. there were ridiculous queus in london the other day. not saying they arent cool phones but still..
iphone is amazing, but the 4th is just a stupid flop (the video calling is still pretty shit, design is fucking awesome, thats basically it)
so where exactly does the IPhone 4G fail?
alright, it doesn't fail, but it's dissapointing for me as it doesn't offer much new (the iphone itself)to upgrate...kinda shame(gotta love all the commercials "it's chancing everything" :D
- iOS 4
-A lot of hardware improvements which makes flash possible on mobile phones in the near future.
- Awesome display
- Good Camera

Maybe I missed something out but the Iphones until now where nothing but a joke, this time its a real improvement towards every other phone
i don't consider the IOS4, im talking about the phone itself, which is nothing but a better looking with a 5mpx camera which was good a few years back...
iOS 4 only runs only on the 4G really smoothly.
And what else beside the hardware improvement should they do? I guess you cant do much more from this point on :/
IOS4 runs just as smoothly on 3GS, yes it doesn't with the 3G and some options won't be visible for the 3G and lower, but on 3GS it will run just as good
So you are trying to say to me that the + RAM and + Processor which the IPhone 4 offers are popping out of a magicians hat when using the iOS 4 on a 3GS?
why would u need a better ram for the ios4?
For the multitasking obviously?
im sure even the 3G will be fast enough, the 4th isn't even double as fast as a 3GS, so why you making it a core i7?
600mhz compared to 1024mhz ist nearly the same and the RAM is doubled actually.
oh lord
i mean seriously, how good can the apple marketing be to brainwash all of u

Quote-A lot of hardware improvements which makes flash possible on mobile phones in the near future.

:D:D:D:D:D: dream on, flash will never be possible on the iphone
android on the other hand will
apple thought they gotta play cool and brushed adobe off, so dream on sweety! :D

Quote- Awesome display

its only more batterysaving btw, htc desire's AMOLED display can take it on easily!
lets wait for future tests. but the again this shows how easily ure letting urself getting brainwashed. just by apple saying how amazing this is all of u go like OMG TRUETUREOMGOMGOMGIWANTTHISOMGOMGOMG

Quote- Good Camera

i dont say a 5mp camera isnt a good one, but even my nokia XX 5 years ago had a 5mp camera

Quotethis time its a real improvement towards every other phone

this sentence almost cracked me up :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
which of the above mentioned features give u the improvent towards every other phone :D:D:D:D ?????
i just see them copy every shit from 5 years ago

that was possible like 7 years ago!!!!! at least back then it also worked via cellphone bill, now u need an internet connection
also every other producer noticed that nobody is using that shit and nobody is going to use it with the iphone

all together apples marketing just fucking rox
only they can manage to make a new phone which brings nothing new look like the best thing in the world
just amazing

and oh ye, the processor: a 1ghz processor
sry but every phone nowadays got a 1ghz processor + 500mb ram so dont smug about it
the same goes to multitasking

+ just wait until android 2.2 is released, full flash support + 300% faster than android 2.1, so take ur iphone 4 and shove it up ur ass where it belongs along with the other shit
Nokia N900 > all ?
Don't like it much, but couldn't try it out that much too.
have it for uhmm 3 months now,
and dont wanna change it for anything :)

no blackberry or iphone or samsung can be compared with Nokia N900 :)
You all happy with iOS4 with multitasking, Nokia had that since oktober

gogo nokia :)
It's still not comparable to Android.
Android tops every other software easily in every aspect.

Maemo 5 is opensource so we can get anything we want and when we want it :)
and we dont have to buy stupid things in a appstore..
so is android ...
Name me one working multitasking.
Android, period.
Android had multi tasking while the iPhone couldn't even dream about it.
And its memory organization works perfect.
nokia N900.
Quotei dont say a 5mp camera isnt a good one, but even my nokia XX 5 years ago had a 5mp camera
if you say stuff like this why would I bother to listen to any of your other opinions when they are as likely to be as misguided
Reply to this post please.

I will reply to you tomorrow.
Good night.
http://www.macworld.com/article/152314/2010/06/iphonecameratests.html megapixel count isn't the most important in a good camera. So your comment made absolutely no sense in comparing it to an old nokia that may have had a 5MP camera
Nokia has carl zeiss lens, best camera for a phone.
and it's only the lens that makes the difference? again, you're not actually backing anything up.
Ok hi!

Yes it seems like I was wrong at that point.
I'm not an expert or anything like that.
Then again I said plenty times that we gotta wait for future tests.
I didn't look it up I admit that, no excuses here.

And I haven't checked the new iPhone out that much too, I watched some commercials, videos, read some articles and that's it. I don't care much about the new iPhone since I'm very happy with my current cell phone.
That's not the case with all the Apple fanboys like ILikeTurtles, who believes in everything commercials tell them.

Quoteif you say stuff like this why would I bother to listen to any of your other opinions when they are as likely to be as misguided

Because people may be wrong from time to time and others can correct them. That's what is happening and should happen in a discussion like this.
yeah, there should be discussions and it's always good to try and get a definitive answer, but your original post that I quoted was basically the equivalent of fanboy preachings, so if you get something wrong when basically just shouting, you're less likely to be considered knowledgable in what your saying :P

I own an iPhone 4 and although it doesn't quite live up to the apple fanboy hype, it's in no way a shit phone.
its actually my 2nd apple device after my Ipod touch I own for about 3 weeks after its first release until now and still working like a charm. The actually only reason I trust in Apple towards such things
I never said it's not a good phone.
I only said it's not the best phone in the world like Apple presented it, and all the iPhone fans praise it.
There are so many features which have been there in other phones for ages.
All the fanboys don't know that and start praising Apple cause they "developed" all that stuff.

And there are a lot of things about Apple which are not likeable, like their app policy, iTunes in general and wanting to control everything about ur phone.

That's something what will never change and the reason why I will never like Apple.

Plus the way Apple presents their phone is making me rage. That attitude as if they involved the world.
Like that video (6mins long or sth) were an Apple producer is like "Now they also count the messages which have been sent. Just amazing." or "Video calling is the best thing in the world and will change everything." although it had been there for ages.
I as a costumer would feel like being played for a sucker, but everybody believes that.
Well, their marketing just rox,
Their margins rock harder than their marketing.
better battery?
At pricing, isn't it obvious? oO
Sure you pay alot for the name Apple but their products are solid and the hardware is top notch
iPhone 4, simply the ugliest iPhone yet.
<3 my 4 :D
isnt the reception annoying
Like I said up a bit, I haven't noticed anything different to my 3GS, only in certain areas in my city but that's the same with every phone.
Turtles are awesome
im dying to install IOS4 but i want JB first :(
You're not alone =]
what a shit phone
Not a clue
Apple is watching you.
htc, fick ja!
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