Germany - Argentina ?!-!?

im pretty sure they're other journals pertaining to this one but i'm too lazy to go find 'em
Germany - Argentina predictions?
imo 2-1 Germany

image: s4orv7
bet 20 cents on germany
gonna win 40 cents if they win
3-2 ger based on performanc eof peopreviojs games, + arg justabout winning tonights game
Today's music partiture is:
image: vuvuzelaa

P.S: as long as Argentina win, I really dont care the result :D
messi will deliver

think it's going to be another thriller though. both teams capable of doing a comeback if they are behind
whpo the rfuck cares. NL won from brazil thats all that matters
Still waiting for my Holland- Argentina prediction final from the first week of WC.
dude its still like 13hours before the match, have a rest :p
im already nervous as fck!
oh right, you are from arg! gl, i'm for arg aswell :)
de que parte, del conurbano bonarense, del norte, sur?
lol :D i said i'm for arg :p not that i'm from there :p haha
hij wilt sex met je hebben.
iedereen wil sex met me
thats not even a place! :P
Didn't I just say that I'm from the north? :o
Two surprises for myself tonight were NL > BRA and URU > GHA

So I am starting to expect that my other favorites will also lose: GER 3-2 ARG and SPA 2-1 PAR
argentinwho ?
You mean these guys who aren't able to stand a lose like a man? Who are diving, provocating and complaining the entire match? The guys who are stalling for time in any possibilty? You mean these guys who never ever heard something about fairplay?
1-0 Argentina
3-0 Germany (klose-podolski-Müller) :P
vote my money on argentina to become the winner in both cases :)
Goodbye Deutschland .. Hello Higuain ;D! 3-0 to Argentina (21'' - Messi, 67'' - Higuain, - 71'' - Higuain'')
same like 4 years ago^^ ger wins and argentinia cry like babys
the only one who cries like a baby is cristiano ronaldo :D

arg will try to beat our players again :D and then one of us misses the next match xD
muller is gonna run heinze maaaad

expecting 2-1 Ger
germany will win
3:2 ger np!
Argentiina 2-0 :)
10/10 & All Footballers die because of bad foof.
3-1 argentina
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