just wanted to...

tell you that you are all some nolifer nerds, who spend their whole life on a gamingwebsite without gettin any pussies. you also pracc every day to get some e-fame @ this site, but hey....its okay. i dont care if you are all some nerdish bastards and thats why i just wanted to tell you that i still love you. even if u are a nerd.

its okay to be a nerd.

there is also a good part to be a nerd. its good that there are nerds in the world. if there wernt any nerds, then i couldnt see how cool i am actually.
you arnt a usual nerd tbh. you are a nerd + childish + you think that you are funny while beeing childish and nerdish. that makes you to a nerd on a different level. because you are a retarded nerd
lol nerd
and you are the type of nerd who is copying a nerdstyle of other nerds of crossfire, becaue you think that you are part of the catalancrew. that makes you to a second class copying style nerd.

oh dear
oh you, you dont get it. dont u see u are the nerdish one here

making a journal and shit. like 4 guys using this account atm and u care about what they post with it.
dont you see that your life is gettin worse and worse by any minute you are spendin more on crossfire. you will never reach the "beeing cool status" at crossfire so better give up. these days the people on crossfire think that it is cool to spam around like a nerd, but it isnt tbfh. stop copying the style of king master L aka. loekino in the house pussy y0. its just annoying to see every day some little kiddos like you or twizzt the gangstaaabro who think that they are funny :D:D:D:DDDDDDDDddD. stop copying ma style
mad nerd is mad :<
Tw1zZt removed you as a buddy!
You iz mean
dude u dotn even know who teh fuck i am, or how i am irl lol:DD

i dont give a shit about cf, this is just funny

the loekino part alwasy with the same bs. some catalan used this flag and then the guys he used to play with used it too in cf and then u nerds get all mad because u think this is soem kind of copy while we didnt even think about the loekino shit. the only one here actually caring about spam in cf its u ignorant prick
u got burnt
sry man. i got friend like sample. so i dont have to pay attention on people like you cuz im cool
indeed thats why u replied to my comment with a wall of text huh
wanted to be nice to talk with the lowstatuspeople of crossfire. so they (you) think that they are actually cool, cuz people laik me pay a bit of attention to you guys. mark this date on your calender and celebrate it laik each of your birthday. at least people will care about this date, unlike your birthday, becuz u have noone to celebate with @ ur birthday cuz u have no friends at all i guess.. but i can promise you that i will write hb to your birthday journal writtn by a fakenick of you becaue im nice. dont be mad mate. its okay.
u keep on the same shit zzzzzzz
u flaming loekino?
no. id never do that. loe and me are crossfirelanproofedfriends :>
kay :P
had an essay ready in which i would convince u about loekino being totally different from these retards but u explained urself and can consider urself save
nah he is nice. tbh (without any trolling) he is a very nice guy. he is spamming like me at crossfire. just for fun without any serious minds :> its funny that there are actually some people here who take this serious which makes the whole situation even more funny :p
i dont have anything against spaming, quality spaming ofc like loekino's
but i cant stand those retards on cf nowadays flaming, writing bullshit, copying shit, being retarded and always thinking theyre funny while they are not

but trolling was is and will always be the most retarded thing in the world
there are 2 ways of trolling.

as you said the so called "quality spamming" and the "copied nerdingstyle".

its sometimes rly funny to see people like taz writing some sensless raging journals on cf. because its part of cf. just epic.

but i rly cant stand those catalancrew idiots or other retards who think that they have to get some attention to get respected. srsly..
Loekino is a big dumb piece of shit with the lowest iq I have ever seen on crossfire as of yet.
:) u arent nerd!
blazin blazin
ima nerd
what nerds did to u ;(
sample bro. you are the next on my to do list. actually i laik you cuz i know you before you got so skilled like mAus. idential was cool and stuff so you are my official bro. be proud my friend
haters gonna hate
managing teams is more nerd than playing!
nat rly. getting some knowledge of zeh buisness you kno
hope your not talking to me...whore
i dont. i love you bro
i respect you bro, because you didnt whine after the match against germany. i rly appreciate this ! :)
drunken teen angst
not really comprehensible for people that learned English in school only
seems like u read something out of his post/comments which i couldnt
care to explain?
now that makes no sense :>
Stop bullshiting!
2pro4you senior
not really comprehensible for people that learned English in school only
i learned english @ crossfire
that's quite nerdy man
ur more stupid than i thought
Hi nerd friend
türken am ausrasten.
für mich is das zeitvertreib weil ich krank bin.
zocken tu ich nich mehr.
haha :P eher am trollen
alles klar dacht grad schon
Respect RaZzaH :*** still luv ya!
ach maul du drecks türke :)
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