
I'm thinking of bying a new mobile phone but im not sure which one to purchase (Nokia X6 is on my mind atm but tbh the phone could be a bit cheaper :P)

So if you would want to recommend some other phones that are around 200-300euros :)

just get any old phone, as long as it can phone + text = np
smartphones suck
i have ipod touch for apps + music + then just an average phone

my phone has awesome battery life, which avoids the problem of the shit iphone battery xD
image: htc-desire-electricpig

costs ~400 though

if you only need it for calls&sms just get a nokia 3310/30 :)
was $89 with a plan :) . USA cell phone industry is so bullshit though. Each phone you can only get on a certain network. Just wish they all worked with all services.
paying 20e/month for mine
without any plan/contract and no branding :)
not bad.. got unlimited data plan for 30$ and unlimited texting/calls for 60$
open wireless access points = win :D
buy nokia 3720
nokia 5110
i got sony ericsson W995
image: SONY%20ERICSSON%20W995
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