Whine about SLAC...

Why does (almost) everyone whine about SLAC?
All afraid of getting busted?
"I won't use it since he will start selling cheats for SLAC after finishing it!"?

What the fuck is wrong with you all?

We have a new anticheat and noone wants to use it cuz someone coded it who also creates (or created) cheats?
Stupid cunts, srsly...

All thise whine about the creator...
Just in case hannes (or who ever) checks the code and stuff and says its safe, what will you do? Start playing with SLAC? I doubt that... you'll find other excuses to not use it (eg. They just didnt find the backdoor; It causes lags; Its already bypassed; blablabla)

I just dont understand all the whine/flame, just explain me why you dont want to use it?
i'd code cheats after makin an anticheat

lol ez money?
So let him do that... at least we wont get pwnd by some 0815 cheats (NExus and stuff) like nowdays when we play without PB
Why do u care? When it will be forced by cb/esl everyone is going to use it anyway. Let them whine now.
they are all cheaters :S
it's gonna be forced anyway so this post is kinda useless
i hab des noed amol , heiland zack
slac is perfect :)
someone should cockslap you, seriously
I dont understand why u are blindly trusting him after what he has done. Antipro? oh wait...
Antipro wasn't paid. This is.

And you (as a busted ex-cheater and known retard) start complaining... why shouldnt we trust him?
Just in case he rly does that (passwords and all that stuff) I'll sue Speedlink, np.
You just can win!
Anticheat with backdoor=money
Anticheat without backdoor=gaming with less cheaters
oh god ull sue speedlink :DDDD joke of the year and btw when there is backdoor like u could detect it anyway. I hope u enjoy to share ur personal data :)
Who said I'm going to detect it... just in case there is a backdoor I'm 100% sure that there are ppl who'll find it within the next 2 weeks...

And yeah, it's possible to sue Speedlink for that (at least in Germany where Speedlink is registered)
:DDD being registered means jack shit man :DDD are u mentally retarded or what? Plz get real. There is no1 checking the source so he might be already gathering ur personal data so be my guest and hand ur bank details to him if u want... there is lots of ppl in russia that pay u for that data and even if speedlink wont pay him he would make a lot more with personal data
funny since you were an etbot/rshook customer, and it clearly had a trojan/keylogger/backdoor and you never thought twice about running it :PPPP
yep i was stupid lad back then and tbh if i knew how easy it was to bypass pb back then i wouldnt even contact that retard. I would code it by myself and now after some experience slac is izi bash its like cheese atm
puh, luckily there is no bankdata on my computer, just some crossfire, rs, facebook and email passwords :)

And yeah, Speedlink is the offical publisher of that programm.
Publishing a programm/Application which contains phising or trojan stuff is punished quite hard.
i see that u dont know how internet works. Plz come back when u know basics
Team-Speedlink (as a registered company) published a programm (I hope you understand that this is the basic off all the comming)
If there is a backdoor in it (and you can proof it and stuff), they are publishing a virus/trojan which is illegal, you can sue them (because they are a registered company)
i see that u dont know how law works. Plz come back when u know basics
He's an ex-cheater so he's just trying to make SLAC look bad. :)
Don't tell me that comes unexpected for you ;) First, they hoped SLAC would fail like antipro, now they have to find a new way to boycott

Also I'm already loling hard at the people who say it's so easy to bypass, because silent detection doesn't tell them whether they were successful... we will see :)
Indeed so. :)

Thank God there are still some people with brains in this community.
you'll sue speedlink HAHAHAH :DD get a taste of real life kiddo
luckily I'm living in Germany and talked to a lawyer (specialised on internetcrime and that stuff).
i doubt you have, unless your father is a lawyer. Even if you have you will have no case and no proof to show that it was slac causing the damage :)
uncle :)

Well, like mentioned above:
If someone finds the backdoor in SLAC (After checking the code) its possible, ofc you cant just say "Oh yeah, my computer got fucked by a trojan/virus it must have been SLAC" but I guess everyone can think that far
that's why it will be hard to proof, and then we're not even talking about proofing liability of speedlink.

Anyhoo, it's ridiculous that we talk about lawyers anyway. My major concern is that it is made by a guy who has been known to create hacks and malware. Hence it is not weird that people are questioning/whining if the program is safe to use. Just get a trustworthy third party to verify and control the program before enforcing it. But i guess that is too much to ask for these days?
I doubt that Chaplja would be able to hide a backdoor/trojan if Crazy (aka Perlo_ung[?]) and arni and whoever check the code.
i doubt it too, but it certainly wouldn't be unthinkable.
Yeah, but I dont think Chaplja is more skilled in coding than arni, crazy (and the other ETTV guys) together...
He did not create malware. He did create a few cheats as a hobby, and then some proof-of-concept things about security risks - and if you take your head out of your ass you might notice that most people working in the same industry (IT security shizzle) do/have done the excact same things.
i study and work in IT and i can tell you that is absolute bullshit. Those who decide to do a minor on security hack in a safe environment to learn the ways, Ofcourse there are those who do it outside of the safe environment, if it's anything else then a joke they're either posing a threat to others or in his case ruining game experience for others.

If you would take your head out of your ass you would understand someone who has been known for these activities in the past might not be the best person to trust for creating a anticheat. Since you seem to have an advanced expertise in industry experience i hope you understand the basics of accountancy aswell. These also apply to this anticheat. An independend company should investigate the source code, verify it and after control it by hosting it on their website. credibility problem solved :)
The best programmers are self-taught, at least in Finland. Here you don't learn to program ~anything properly until in university, and likely not even there.
afaik you would have no rights even if there was some malicious stuff within slack that wiped your HD - youve downloaded a beta client without signing a licence agreement of any kind.
Why are you using an antivirus then? 99% sure it has been made by an ex hacker/cracker/malwareman
It's not made by Chaplja, it's made by Valsimot, which is his "business enterprise" as some could call it. If a person has created a multiplayer game cheat for a hobby in their past that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed to do actual business in the industry afterwards.
This community is hypocrite and paranoid to the extreme.

Crying that 90% of the community cheats (when 5% is a more accurate guess), but when there's an anticheat out there that is made by someone subject to a legal binding contract they start crying about so-called backdoors that would be implanted. He's bound by contract, he can't do that dipshits.

Funniest of all, most of those who cry are ex-cheaters themselves.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
actually it was like 70% cheats, according to the people that really have facts about this and not you or me.
This game is rotten to an extreme you wont believe.
There are no facts when it comes to cheating in the competitive scene. It's all "guesses" and "assumptions".
70% has *tried* cheats. I would imagine it's quite accurate seeing that most people try some detected aimbot on a no-pb public once. The same statement said that around 10% might be cheating now - yet it's nowhere near 100% sure, just assumptions and guesses.
10% wow you are optimistic

Anyone playing this game knows that percentage is nowhere near the truth. That is a percentage for a payed game like the COD series.
I would say easily 30% or 40% is cheating.
i personally am suspicious about that programm. how can you blame people for not trusting a known cheat coder who has proven several times that he is pretty immature.
who guarantees that he didnt put a backdoor in the software and phishes all your passwords and stuff.

it's fine with me if you guys wanna play with that software, personally i will never install it.
Everyone who published software could do that.
So dont download any freeware stuff from Chip (eg. "Put all my movies in a folder which is labeled with the movies name"-Programm)
Even big companys are doing that (Apple)
ofc everyone could do this, but do i have to take the risk by using software programmed by a person who coded cheats and what not before?
What do you need to be convinced that SLAC is safe?
what do you need to convince me for. im not spamming the news or journals about slac and flame about the program or demand that people wont use it. its just my personal choice that i dont wanna have this program installed on my computer. and since im not playing actively anymore, its not such a big issue anyways.
He got payed to code that mate. He is just not allowed to put trojan's in his AC
its just my personal opinion. as i said, i dont care if you guys wanna play with this program, its just my choice that i will not use it.
Then I recommend you never install anything anymore...

Please...He's bound by a legal contract + being paid a shit load. Why would he risk getting prosecuted and losing a lot more than he would earn just to help out cheaters?

He doesn't prefer cheaters over non-cheaters anyway, he's just doing whatever he does for money.

If he codes more cheats or creates a backdoor or w/e, he'll lose money and a lot of it ...
ofc hell lose money after he has been paid... after money is transfered he can start selling those private infos he has been sniffing out with backdoors izi money :)
You seem to be a retarded ex-cheater.

Do you even know what a legal contract is?

He can't install a backdoor or he'll get prosecuted by speedlink and get sued for more money than they gave him.

I know you're scared of getting busted, but it's your own fault so gtfo.
im not scared to be busted since i've already bypassed slac (not that hard tho :DD) and ill keep on using pallobot. How do u know that he aint having backdoor and shit on atm? many antivir register it as a trojan and dunno if its for a reason or just lazy coding but i dont care and wont install it before im allowed to use it with antivir on :)
How can you even know you bypassed it if it uses silent detection...

Have fun using bots, we'll talk in 2 months.

My antivirus also picked it up as being a trojan, but it did the same for PB.

It's because heuretic scanning... It's a crypted file so your antivirus thinks it's suspicious.

All of this is in the readme file.
its good for him that he changed his mind and now works for the "right" side. and that he agreed to a contract that grants him some money. still im not willing to trust him.

in general, im really suspicious about programs that i install on my computer and that worked for me pretty well so far.
Did you even understand what I said about chapjla?

He didn't change his mind, he's always been his way.

He doesn't care who cheats and who not, he does not care who he works for, as long as he gets money.

SL offers more money than coding cheats ever would and thanks to the contract he can't fuck us over or he'd get fucked twice as hard.
i understood what you tried to tell me and i think exactly the same about him. and exactly this attitude of his keeps me from installing slac. and as i said before, i do not care if other people trust him and use this program. you can tell me a 1000 times that its safe or that he is bound to some contract, i still wont install it.
Well have fun not playing on SLAC servers then.

Good luck winning against cheaters.
i havent played on public servers in years and i only play some 3v3s from time to time, so i guess it wont hit me that hard
People still trust Pansmukl when it was proven he added backdoors that could kill your hard drive..

When it's done and you want to play in a league you'll have to use it, so it's like it or lump it really.
if you put it this way, then i guess i have to go with luMping it. after all, its my nickname :D
let the cheaters whine and the flamers cry

They're just raging.
I dont trust it
got 50/20 stats without slac & 20/50 stats with slac
Country: PL
You got me. :(

e: "D:"
I would like to get a contract with speedlink, incase something happens to my pc with this SLAC:
- on paper
- New PC (same or better specs)
- money for lost data
- A big "Sorry that we were that stupid, we will never do it again..." as apoligize

If SL is that sure it's safe etc, they are able to do this, if it's good no pc will die because of this SLAC right?

If SL isn't doing it: they are not sure theirselfs about it... so it would say enough about the trust in it;)

and if it's working is a 2nd thing:)
i doubt that's gonna happen :(
It won't happen, so why CB is already planning to force it for their leagues etc is .....
they should give us good reason to use and trust it... and chap isn't rly with such background helping here...
Noone gives a shit.

If you want to play, use it otherwise fuck off.

Fight fire with fire.
indeed none gives a shit, past times np at playing 5o5 vs ppl u know... fun enough and more trustworthy as this "project", so why we need an anti cheat for that? 3o3 well you play it nowadays with knowing u will find cheaters only ;) so not bothering anymore, same with 1day cups CB lower leagues, if you want on your way to fight fire with fire hf downloading cheats and playing against cheaters...

You seem to be rather retarded, you're probably a cheater.

Noone heres give a shit about people like you...

The clean players are behind SLAC because they're not afraid of getting busted, those that are whining and flaming are probably those that have a reason to be scared.

Use slac and you won't have to play against cheaters anymore in due time...

SLAC = radical

Amount of cheaters = radical

That's fire with fire

Both using cheats is just being retarded, that would more suite 'levelling the player field'
well I wouldn't call him that retarded, he's just not being naive like you are and he wants to make sure that he's not giving his informations away to anyone.
How am I naive?

He can't fuck us over because that would be worse for him than it would for us...

So, in summary, if he fucks us over, he ends up 50 times worse than he is now? He'd lose the money he gains from SLAC and probably a lot more as well... Not to mention, risk a juridical punishment for breaking a contract AND stealing private data.

Only a retard would do that and we all know that he is not a retard.
well the fact that this guy isn't a retard is just the thing which scares everyone tbh, he can always find a backdoor and since this guy is also a coder I'm sure he can do things which we (some of us) won't even notice.
e: but i do get your point, don't understand me wrong... but I can also understand why ppl are not being pretty fond of the idea.
And you honestly believe that noone is going to check the code before he released it? :D


There is probably at least one, if not more coders that Speedlink contacts that are at about the same level of Chapjla if not higher and they check the code before he releases it.

There's no way SL would risk malicious software to be published under their name with so much money on the table and their reputation at stake.
well let's hope so
I know so.

We aren't dealing with a band of coders picked up from the community, we're dealing with a professional company which hired a coder with a contract.

I don't see how so many people fail to understand the essential difference between those 2.

Noone ever whined about pnkbstra and pnkbstrb scanning your entire HD, memory and processes, yet they're already whining about SLAC without even knowing if there's something suspicious about it.

Oh well, I guess I shouldn't expect this much from this community
ppl who will download anything made by this guy without checking it are retarded, and im afraid of a pc which won't turn on anymore or w/e due this shit program. Cheaters are way to easy to recognize, no AC need for that imo as i said before...

no reason to talk with you any further since you are a bit too closed minded it seems, have a nice day and hf buying new pc in 2 weeks ;)
I'm sorry I forgot I was talking to nerds that never go outside.

You seem to be unaware what a contract is and what the penalties are for breaking it...
yeah bro, like killerboy said, life sentence! for breach of contract.................................
wow for such contract it will be like giving money back and some more money, not rly much more.... and for making anti cheat, detecting all cheats, so cheaters are all going to get his cheats, and he earns the money of loads of ppl together, well sound like a good plan! good atleast you believe he is doing it for a good will...
He isn't allowed to develop cheats for ET anymore.

read again. arrogante kutkwal
lol zak afraid of gettin busted???????????? always knew
you think im suspicous? always knew!!!!!
well I do get ur point but I can also understand why SLAC won't make such a contract, they won't let their company depend on one single person either. If chaplja (or w/e) backstabs them and steals some information from ETplayers (which i still doubt is going to happen) then they would have some big issues too.
they picked him as maker of SLAC? meanwhile there could be other persons availible too, maybe PB even if u pay them and talk about public (PB lags) settings and scrim settings( to remove the lag etc) ESL had aswell some AC tool tho don't know much about it, so why they picked him while there were many other solutions there?
PB has its own system and it's used by many other games too,they wouldn't be making another anticheat tool for ET because we complain about lagg, they cba about such a free old game and they won't be spending time on it. And why wouldn't you pick chaplja, why would you trust him less than another person?
due his history, and as i said, PB stopped prolly cos they put effort into a game which is free... no money coming in from there anymore, so if SL pays them, who knows....
well ye then pb could have been a better option, didn't know they were going to stop, but i don't think you should look too much to his history though.
well if you look at what is at stake here... i think everyone should.
I dont care if he starts selling cheats afterwards, I just worry about the safety of this tool as he could steal bank account shizzle etc.

I am kinda looking for a statement of speedlink concerning the confidentiality of this tool, else I won't play any competition anymore
Reason for changing GUID
yo new imba slac is working gtfo cheaters!
(hope so)

I dont whine about slac ^^
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
dude, youre confusing me.
I don't use it because :
1/ I don't really play ET anymore
2/ There isn't any linux client atm
Well yea, i wont install it the day after its released, just waiting some days and watch what everybody has to say about it / complain and then install it :P.

E: Is CB already forcing the beta or are they going to force the "real" release?
I think they'll start using it now, judging by the amount of people that registered since v0.5

I haven't really checked, but they started using the cheat detection tool that was going to be used by antipro when it was in beta as well :)

I guess we'll see :P
I don't whine, it's nice but already bypassed pff too bad.
Silent detection
So, why everyone say Silent detection ? Do you think they care ? imo silent nothing.
from FAQ

QuoteHow do I know who is cheating on server?

You don't. SLAC uses silent detections, meaning cheaters are caught, but banned later.
Ya so what ?
So how the fuck do you know it's bypassed, retard? And don't say "My friend cheated in version 0.001 alpha and didn't get banned omg"
Don't bother, they've been trying to spread that bypass bs for a few days now, they've failed to answer properly to this question over and over tho :)
They've been trying to spread the same shit since the earliest betas without proper detections :-|
some days ago (maybe 2 weeks dunno), some1 posted some pics showing fintard @ cheater forum. Then i used the google cache to see more on the private forum, and some1 said that it will be easy to bypass it etc

i don't know if it's true atm but how is it possible that another fintard can play on SLAC server with the same level he got before getting busted for multihax etc :D Maybe he just found one of the many ways :D
I can tell you that 100% of this "easy to bypass" -shit is just bullshit at the moment. SLAC's been crypted pretty tight as I understand and I don't think any cheatcoder will be able to decrypt (& decompile) it at the moment to analyze it deep enough... and it's too early to just do the trial&error method

And as for that fintard on SLAC server, awfully lots of these multihack busts are from public and the busted person has actually never cheated in matches.
Let him finish the AC and stop whining. And if he starts selling cheats for it, buy off his customer list!
Double busts, double paid.
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