Mafia city of lost heaven.
28 Jul 2010, 23:14
Hello boys and girls.
I have a little problem [and my friend aswell], we are playing Mafia city of lost heaven for fun and when I try to do the next mission, it starts to load then game exits to desktop. I have no idea what is wrong. Could you help maybe? thanks in advance. Cu
I have a little problem [and my friend aswell], we are playing Mafia city of lost heaven for fun and when I try to do the next mission, it starts to load then game exits to desktop. I have no idea what is wrong. Could you help maybe? thanks in advance. Cu
one of the best games ever
dont know if you downloaded it, if so try to download it from another source (other upload)
make sure you have enough diskspace for savegames? (:DD)
your pc is good enough for the mafia graphics i asume? (:DD)
i uploaded the "Game" crack i am using which works for me..
download here:
i like it.. 8D