GFX Settings

Okay, some of you know I got new PC while back, but I haven't tampered with any settings with my GFX card, or overclocking etc, but I just want to know what some settings do.

At the moment all of my settings on my gfx card (nVidia 7900GTO) are highest, eg 16x Anistropic Filtering, 8x Antialiasing, High Quality image settings etc. I know for a fact these will lower your fps dramatically, so I want to know what each of these 3 settings do, and which are the best to use for maximum fps... cheers! <3
lazy fuck, do some research urself?
I am doing research, at!

dont fuck with the cheesiest cheeser in the galaxy plz
lower all to the lowest possible choice and lower ur mipmap detail and u get best fps but i agree with Anonymoussupafly u are a lazy bitch :P



and i guess the high quality image explain himself :)
all AF and AA on 0, quality on lowest

AA makes the picture sharper, e.g draws screenshots of a y times bigger (y = x times antialasing, if 8x AA then y = 8) and draws a picture collected from those screenshots afaik.
Wont my xhair go all weird though if all are on the lowest? I remember doing something like that on my Radeon 9200 >:-\
nope, my xhair is sharp enough :P
r_mode 2 user

and cg_crosshairsize 71 i guess :P
its sharp enought if u make it big enough :P
Sheep just use my config but take AA, AF off etc
You're config won't have AA, AF settings in it will have to be adjusted through drivers for ET.
You mis-understood, i mean he use my config (which in my opinion is high quality) and switch his computer settings AA + AF off.
but then he dont get the highst possible fps isnt it?
K. I Dont know what version drivers you have, but the newest offer a new control panel, If you go to control Panel, you should see "Nvidia Control panel" Open that, go to 3d settings, and you should see a 3d nvidia logo spinning.

As you move the slider if you look at the logo you notice that the edges get smoother. that is what AA does, really kills your fps if you have grass on radar or something similar.

AA = Gets rid of the jagged rough edges on models textures and everything

AF = Makes textures crispier and standout more (I think)

Image Settings = I think this just uses both AA and AF depending where the slider is. If its at Performance it will use AA and AF @ 0 in middle probably about 4 and at the best probably @ 8/16

AF Doesnt affect my FPS much at all, i can play with it at 16 and still hold 76, AA is the real FPS killer.

If you can play with both these at max and still hold 125fps...then go for it

We dont know what FPS you will hold until you try it so give it a test.
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