We present the sTREETFIGHTER-Televizzle-shizzle


image: aipe63qyxtpuuycrr
write a news@sTREETFIGTHERs plz actualy there are just olds :P
I love that pic :D
ROFOL irl!!! hahaha
geh kacken junge
Der Star der Hitlist, wohhh,guck wie es der Deutsche macht,
Die Nationalhymne kommt heut mit Schlagzeug und Bass, ey!
Ich bin der Beste, seht her
Das ganze Land schreit F- L- E- R !
old song was better ChaoZ :(
That defeat to Highbot on the page looks ugly :x
The previeus song was way much better imo

ROFL @ Premium Account xDDD
Lol the premium account. I'm definitely going to buy one, I want that Config Guid =<
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