It's time for JWOW!

Once again the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived! Our Favourite Youtube star MissHannahMinx has released yet another JWOW video! This time she explains the word train to us! Enjoy!

image: 57831247_AEcfy-S
<do not want.jpeg>
sure she slept in the train for hours.
at first i was like "jwow from jersey shore?" but then i saw this :(
am i the only one to find her extrodenarily ugly?
i mean if you look like this why not hide yourself in the basement? why go for such a kinky style which makes everything twice as disgusting?
she is not extraordinary ugly, there is a difference between that and just meh not my thing
she is ugly!
her tiny, round head with those gigantic eyes looks stupid on those enormous tits. let me not get started about the rest (e.g. her degenerated merely existing facial expressions)
i got a boner while reading ur comment
dont mind it. thats basic chemistry. the (male) body is designed to desire young "fertile" flesh, thats part of the natural urge to procreate. But I am glad to say that while everyone is insanely fapping to MissHannaMinx and Tabby24x7 (and so on) I am enough of a developed human being to find real women (not kinky, infantile teenagers) attractive.
I am pretty sure you'd do Tabs in the blink of an eye though.
wont deny. she is more my type and i dont find her naturally unattractive. even though id have to beat the obsession with her hair out of her but thats no big deal.
I concur, she's ugly........but I guess most people cant keep their eyes off her tits.
sure nobody touched her in the hours she slept in the train
That's what I thought : D
J-J-J-JWOW =^.^=
ze worde volgens mij steeds groter :D
She is ugly as shit. Only reason why people watch that shit is her boobs.
she has nice eyes.
She can cook really great
Can someone please expain to me why all the geeks nowdays think japan is so cool?
I just dont get it.
Anime, technology, women(omg they're so cute, submissive and innocent), some are genuinely interested in the culture. Can think of other things, but you get the point.
I'd like to visit Japan just to cross my arms like Ryu when I get off the plane and say 'Japan' the way they do in the first Streetfighterseries:
asians are disgusting!
Can't stop looking at them :-(
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