Almost fucked hard

So yeah,

I bought a waterpipe a few weeks ago and I was smoking it everyday and stuff. And yesterday night I felt fucking sick after using the waterpipe. I poked sometimes and my mom told me to go to the doctor this morning. Well, so I went to the doctor and he told me that I have been getting much nicotine in these days and because I have 'something with my hart' it was going pretty fast. So I'm not going to use this waterpipe for some weeks anymore.

xxx wo0sh

image: kylie-bisutti_l1
yo homo gief good pictures

ik ga zo naar drumparktroon
Thanks for informing us, the community is now in awe for being so grateful and opening our eyes, the community also forgives you for smoking excessive nicotine and will accept you back as a member of this community, the community also forgives you for spelling "puked" as "poked", the community would like to thank you for saving thousands of lives.

jk nobody cares
"I poked" ==> Too much facebook :P
something is wrong with ur hart?
kheb er ook 1 !
Ik heb 2,5 weken zoiezo elke dag 4 kooltjes opgerookt. :X
waterpipes, bongs, etc are not for tobacco just fill it up with skunk u whitey :D
u nigger....u sicken me godamnit
did he die?
smth is wrong with the chick her tits
its weird becuz of the bikini i guess
iff you mean with waterpipe chips and hart problems diarrea problems then i feel you brah i feel ya
I call bullshit.
did he answer?
You're real funny.
tell me something that i don't know
your nick is old, get a new one.
when a new hype will be introduced to the internet
be earlier, be a trendsetter, not a follower :P
nicotine is for lowbobs
lol noob
This hart's in trouble!
image: MGPLX
I poked sometimes
wooow ur soo proud of smoking too much and then being a pussy and visiting a docter inmediatly when u puke a few times
I was just chillin´ with my bro
smoking a waterpipe,
and another, and another & another.
untill he went inside.
He was walking to the stairs and he fell with his head on the stairs.
A little brainshake, nothing worse.
I poked sometimes because I have 'something with my hart'
"I poked sometimes"

had to laugh.

and eeehm, moron alert or plain bullshit... Nicotine and waterpipe.... riiiiiight.
wow that is why kids shouldnt use drugs.

smoked too much and went to see the doctor cause his mommy told him so.

cant be true...
image: 1280677917864
Awesome pic
don't use it if u can't stand it
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