Cheaters on Cybergames

It seems that those faggots auto cancel the votekicks against them, is that possible ? They also easily crash the server, is there any way to prevent that ? (Seems to be new thing)
Would it be useful to contact cybergames admins ? (dont know where I could find them tho)
cybergames are by far the worst servers ever known to mankind
just dont play there
If no one played there then the cheaters would just join other servers
oh noes cheaters on cybergames!!! D:
Perhaps look when you are connecting, to the e-mail address of dogod?
Cheaters on Cybergames?
2005 wants it news back.
missed opportunity imo, so much more potential in this thread
Not really, the amount of times this thread comes up is stupid.. its old now.
I am not complaining about the cheaters themselves (I know there are many), only asking if we can fix the crash thing which is obviously annoying...
have to agree on that one tho
Why are you using Philosoraptor whilst saying that? It's totally wrong.
what hste said
No, I voted against kicking them. For the lulz.
why is everyone always complaining bout cheaters on CG while i played there so often and barely met any :D
Obviously you haven't played on the server with me than, now did you?
wrong use of the word "than"
Ik was daarover al aan het twijfelen. Ik zag een filmje van je. Waar ik het vandaan had gehaald weet ik niet, maar het ging over dat je zei dat iemand off kon fucken!

image: trollface
Er was overigens nog wel meer fout aan je zin. Es kijken of jij erachter komt wat precies :P

welk filmpje? youtube?
2x verleden tijd. (did not play?)

Ik denk dat het youtube was, je bent best cool! :D
helaas, geen prijs.

You haven't, now did you.

Dat is raar. Het zou moeten zijn "You haven't, now have you" of "You didn't, now did you".
Ga weer actief ET spelen dan?

Zou wel weer cool zijn, zowiezo op de volgende LANS etc.

nah. andere dingen te doen. Mixje zo af en toe is meer dan genoeg.
You can't escape the long dick of ET!

Maar je moet toegeven dat het wel fantastisch zou zijn!

Waarom zou het fantastisch zijn als ik weer active ET zou spelen in een team?
Ik vond het wel een prachtig idee, jammer dat je een leven hebt.

PS: Hoe gaat het met je kat?
Well the question is simply about preventing them from crashing the server if that is possible
obviously the "admin" hasnt added the new script to prevent that exploit yet then
If you disconnect with "Illegible server parse message 0" there's nothing odd in it... The admin just hasn't modified the server executable to fix this.

Haven't heard of any autocancel bug though, are you sure the vote isn't just failing?
The disconnect message is that one, Ill mail the admin
For the autocancel thing, it could be a vote fail but it seemed that it failed very quickly ater the votecall, and we were all wanting to see him being kicked I think thats why it seems weird to me, but could be a vote fail, yea..
quality server where to play at[/img]]image: 2
just merc instead
+ fucking one
don't play on some fucking shit server like cybergames
Well I like playing there because there is no obj and no awards upgrades unlike most of the other etpros servers
Quoteno awards upgrades
there was upgrades there the last time I connected
ah yah.. true. oh well!
bio = ??? :D
QuoteTeam : '545.SniperClan #1 Sniper team on ET

thats why you are so good in it :D
Do you know me or thats trolling xD
most of the peeps there suck even with hax so its nou probs
lol fuckin +1
still the people there are dumb and suck :P:P
how the fuck do they manage to crash it anyways
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