Is Crossfire dead?

Looks like crossfire is dead. Only retards left, no good column in YEARS and literally everything that anyone posts here is crap. Discuss.
no shit sherlock :P
It's a disease, nearly everyone turned into trolling retards.
But there are still some normal people left!
llookkss like some1 needs a hug, did u check facebook, its dead.
gtfo, go2 FML if you wanna whine.
you just mad cuz we stylin on you
Shut up please you internet sheep...
Member For: 1 month and 4 days

no need to continue discussion with randoms/fakes

I'm neither a random nor a troll. I'm browsing this site for quite a time now, I just did not register at the first time. Plus it's not about having a discussion, I'm just sorry for you, because you are like : Ey gyes, i r so kewl, i can speakz ze internet language, look : umad cuz we stylin' on you. Sorry-ass lowbrained idiot...
It sure seems like it, sir!
i'd like to think i'm a pretty level headed inoffensive individual, but it is very apparent that people like me are in the minority nowadays. people spamming memes under the guise of "trolling" seems to make up at least 80% of posts now.
I sometimes act like a retard for the lulz but mostly I'm trying to post useful comments. Those who keep posting pics only (which aren't even funny most of the time) and hop on the troll bandwagon are dumb.

I mean, it's still a gaming community, not MySpace or 4chan.

It might also be the fact that those who have been here for a couple of years are a bit mature by now mostly and there's always a fresh supply of 16-year old dumbasses.
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