Death penalty in Switzerland


L'initiative pour la réintroduction de la peine de mort en Suisse a passé le premier écueil de l'examen formel par la Chancellerie fédérale. Ses partisans ont jusqu'au 24 février 2012 pour récolter 100'000 signatures. La Chancellerie a examiné les aspects formels du texte et a indiqué qu'il satisfaisait aux exigences de la loi. Les Chambres ne se prononceront sur sa validité que lorsqu'il aura abouti. L'initiative est contraire à la Convention européennes des droits de l'homme. Les initiants réclament la peine capitale pour les meurtres et les assassinats avec violence sexuelle.

La peine de mort est "juste et logique" pour les meurtres avec violence sexuelle, estime le comité d'initiative. Pour lui, seule l'exécution d'un condamné permet aux proches de faire leur deuil. Sur une page internet activée mardi, un porte-parole précise que les initiants ont eux-mêmes été confrontés à de telles situations. Si la peine capitale permet d'éviter ne serait-ce qu'un nouveau crime, elle se justifie, assurent encore les auteurs du texte. Enfin, ils réfutent l'idée de l'erreur judiciaire, car selon eux, les techniques modernes rendent impossible la condamnation d'innocents.


The initiative for the reintroduction of the death penalty in Switzerland has passed the first hurdle of the formal review by the Federal Chancellery. His supporters have until February 24, 2012 to collect 100,000 signatures. The Chancellery has examined the formal aspects of the text and said that he met the requirements of the law. Rooms not rule on its validity when it has succeeded. The initiative is contrary to the European Convention of Human Rights. The initiators demanded the death penalty for murder and murder with sexual violence.

The death penalty is "fair and logical" for the murders with sexual violence, says the initiative committee. For him, only the execution of a convicted allows relatives to grieve. On a web page activated Tuesday, a spokesman said that the initiators themselves have been confronted with such situations. If the death penalty can be avoided even if a new crime, it is justified, yet provide the sponsors. Finally, they refute the idea of a miscarriage of justice because they believe modern technology makes possible the conviction of innocent people.

Translated with Google, sorry for mistakes.
Finland always gives too small penalties to sexual offenders. Good that the 2nd best country in the world has guts to do something :)
so fucking mongol. Years of fight to abolish it & now they want it back
Ahah, as if death penalty had ever discouraged someone to kill/rape/we...
A guy kills an other one : how dare he kills a human being ! LET'S KILL THAT HUMAN BEING, thats deserved... lmao...
barbarians init
You say that, but we'd be living in a better country if we had something similar.
nahh its not a deterrent, look at the US, more crime than us and they have the death penalty
Yes but then again the US is also huge compared to the UK, and hence wide spread poverty is over there too. Here in the UK we have enough invested in infrastructure to combat such things. Our crime levels are lower, sure, but we still have and outrageous prisoner count for a low population.
So you think that a guy who is about to kill someone would think : Hmm, there is a death penalty in this country, I won't kill that guy ?...
This isn't about the psychology of prisoners, it's about maintaining them.
but thats because of the attitiude of the judicial system, where they put people in prison for anything

imo they should have proper prisons for murders etc where its all pretty serious, and then another entity where the less serious offenders go (shoplifting etc) - in the current system prison is simply making the problem worse
Thats because they allow hand weapons much easier.
Quotesexual violence

What exactly is that? Slapping people around with your cock?
Rape I guess
Rape doesn't necessarily have to be violent.
Explain please.
Nothing to explain. It simply is not a fact that sex against someone's will is going to be violent.
Sex no. Rape yes.
Rape is "sex against your will". Rape is not always violent.
Rape in french is "viol" wich come from latin verb "violo" wich means:

1. To treat by the force
2. To transgress
3. To wound

And the definition of "viol" in french is:

1. Violence against a person without assent or by the force, like a sexual penetration, vaginal, anal or oral or penetration by the hand or an object.

And by the way violence can be pschologic aswell..
good, they should made a reality show out of it aswell
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