do you think it would be nice if...

journals had different sections

-pictures, videos , spam and other useless shit
-rl news
I dunno lol
i'm not sure you are familiar with what the term trolling stands for
true i don't , and i consider that as a positive thing
there should be trash section as well for journals like this
true, maybe they can give you only acces to the trash section
what madildo and syriusz said
it needs more trolling
How can you have a section for trolling that deems it useless xDDD
yea like anyone would take that serious :D
there must be a section about redarted names (example yours)
how come you are on crossfire and not yet world's biggest comedian
good idea, now hang yourself
if everyone would hang himself after a good idea you would be the only one left at this earth with an age of 75
idea is good/old, implementation is impossible

edit:I am not sure know what is "trolling", based on your list in the the bracket
i don't :) i just read the word too much on this site and i think it has something to do with annoying usseless comments/journals
At least a trolling-section would effectively kill the trolling.
there should be a section where all mad people are listed

- woot
- ...
- ...
he definitely mad.
we just need more filters :>

for journals
well...that would be totally useless.

just think of the forum threads, they are seperated in off-topic/technology/gaming/whatever.

so the same thing twice? i dont think so.
yeah but i rly mean like 5 different sections, not one section with categories like the forum!
ppl will definately troll in other sections, to be trolling more and troll others
just take away their rights to post journals after one warning
image: 27219734

just a random example, cf admins are bad admins
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