Killerboy Wednesday, 1st September 2010 13:07
first one is released in less than a week

hm interesting babe
wont be that interesting anyway
all my friends got busted with pb so don't really give a shit
I am on it

2 camels and a tiny car.
I belive the saying is:

Two camels in a tiny car and of corse the inevitable truth that I'm doing you mom
What normal person would put 2 camels IN a tiny car? :D
2 camels in a tiny car.*
Ye, RWJ! :)

It's 2 camels and a tiny car, not IN. You're hurting the camels if you put them inside, jeez! :(
You've got no pancake mix!
Anyway Chaplja will sort out this list
i was like wtf: zlatan ibrahimovic and robinho in AC Milan ?
The list will be released and it wont be faked. Looking forward to see some highskillors beeing busted! :D
There are 29 cheaters at the moment and there are some that are quite known.
QuoteThere are 29 cheaters at the moment and there are that are quite known.

I was like: wtf I dont get it
there are SOME that are quite known

suddenly it all makes sense
so there comes out a list? :-)
yes there comes out a list. wtf mate is where you need to be
zusammen mit 'ner neuen und professionellen SLAC page :)
Many Finland? :()
no, many Poland about 60-70 %
tbh, expected...
is my bruv, hitsu, on it?
no, doubt he registered an account yet
just post it, damn
expected the figure to be way up if the program was effective.. :(
Real cheaters are afraid of using cheats + slac atm :)

Just wait until its forced everywhere + every server has the client-side-addon to force slac :)
Don't let us guess, keep the suspense :o)
beatiful days r coming ;d
I'm shooting out an hypothesis at you.. At the moment slac only detects most of the pub cheats and not so many of the private, more sophisticated cheats? Meaning the list is small since the people that are actually playing competitivly and cheating still have a free roam on the game?
Private cheats don't work at the moment because they cannot inject themselves, only pub cheats work at the moment, and cheaters using pub cheats have the option to not use slac, so they won't get busted
if everybody would know that private hacks doesn't work, they were public ;)
any from croatia/slovenia? :D
Defcut registered yet???
hm I think he isn't. :XD
you claim that every1 using slac now (and not being on the list obviously) is clean now then?
i don't know the answer to that, chaplja said he has only added few detections at the moment (which detects the majority of cheats), first he wants to get the linux version out and fix the anti-virus bug, then he'll add all the detections and the server-side client.
any croats on it besides me?
he dumped ET 7-8 months ago
probably callisto
Not releasing yet because...?
some germans on the list? :D
It's probably "to be" or not for SLAC, as everybody is expecting it to finally bust somebody ;)

I am, personally, quite positive about it, waiting for cheaters to feel more comfortable and start cheating is definitely a good idea, but I understand those ranting about it - what's the point of AC if you first had to play with cheaters for two months - but well, if the list will be decent, the waiting will pay off more than enough ;)
That means that new site is coming? ;d
so only week left of ET for me ;[]
getting closer :D
7ele, mega skillboost lately. or eddo
hey, thats not very nice, and 7ele has always been pretty decent as rifle :(
well, u're the only 2 i recognize from sA (i guess this is the clan of this cheatzor?:D)
7ele and Eddo never played in sA???
no? :D
dunno, i had to mixed up something :P
nop only played with loekino like once or twice or so
ye well probably i thought so because of ur flag ;P
"oc premier"


jk eddo <3
nooooway banaaaaan
satz is on it :D
bah cheaters bah!
Thank God. Anyone from North American busted? I probably got busted for using GameBooster :P. And rockstar stopped playing after SLAC came out :D?
no americans, why should they use slac if its not forced? :P

Private cheats don't work atm cos they cannot load into slac for now, and no ppl dont get banned for gamebooster, SLAC != PB :)
Well just did not know if SLAC detected some backround running program that closes processes, that is nice to know. Plus I always use SLAC in any war I play simply because its easy to launch ETpro with SLAC and it disables PB for you!
Don't think anyone really cares about north America ":D"

rockstar dominated yesterday, and he werent active for weeks
zAAba etbot customer will be ; (
+4 of his teammates;]
Give the fucking list omg. Its just a list of nicknames.. -_-
no man, lets just give him the attention his parents dont give him!
your just mad cos your friend got busted hahaahahahahahahahahash
yeah it makes me cry cause now i prolly cant play cb:(
lol you so mad cos SLAC styled on your teammate
Fuck off. Give me the list. I got no teammates busted but I still dont get why the fuck you wont relaase it.
neh ill just wait till i see for what exactly he is busted for, if its a random unknown program it is prolly his moviemake shit

if it says nexus_xxx_v12.3.5 then oke he got busted andddd that wont change a thing ^_^
Well tbfh, I also dont understand what the point is, of you mentioning stuff like this, why dont you just post the 29 names already?
chaplja decides not me, i can only see the list, but he decides if he publishes or not, he would have published it already, but he needs to finish the new permanent SLAC site first, else there's no point in posting a bunch of random names, you can't ban people from CB/ESL just by listing a list of names, you need their account link, cheat info and guid used.
true, but just give a preview then :P

isn't JIMINI on it? xD
give them some time man im sure he will post the list as soon as ppl stop trying to force him to post the list :D
jimini cheat niet man :P Als hij cheat, val ik neer :D
hahaha zou ge wel willen hé (h3ll)

hahaha you would love to see that (h3ll)
Just make a journal with the names and dont ban them on cb yet? EHEHEHE
satz is on it, at least those are the rumors and would be weird

ipson could be it since he was already busted and would make more sense, he is such a dirty cheater
MUHAUHAUHAUHA it's Sa7z the insta 3 hs cheater xD
always knew it fucking cheatah
why did you ask in the first place?!
cant await the SLACtion
yeah 29 is save
i want slac server addon :<
hope i am on it, so i can quit in style.
inb4 Most commented thread: SLAC Bustlist released by Killerboy
honestly this whole slac thing is really sketchy. they could just put anyone in there and say they are busted. unless there is something that proves that the person was cheating but i have no idea how. anim feels the same way at this point and maybe others...? i don't know what to expect with it. I'll still play with it just Well i hope it turns out something positive for the community. so please killerboy give me some info on it cause i am quite lost atm. what kind of evidence will there be of the "cheater"?
I'm guessing a log of suspicious codes/dll injected in the et.exe or any other prog when ET is running. or just a random number generator & the numbers generated will be accused?
I have no idea, i'm really lost :\
Feel the same way, guess i'll have to wait for the results though. Community is too small for them to want to bust people they don't like, although i'd be fucking tempted!
ya it would be nice if they gave a little more info on it. would clear up a lot of things that are on my mind
You better stop shooting 50 percent!
45 to be safe but since you don't shoot as many headshots as some you should be ok with 47 :)
alright its a deal then.
carlito aka pninja accused him :<
Great got one more week to play ET in :(
Why don't you just releash it? Point?
These cheaters will got they SLAC account banned ?
yes first time = 12months, second time is perma ban.
but it's easy to make a new account no ?
chaplja will log hardware info
are there some EC (or even some OC premier) players on it?

(not that I would be happy but more to see how far the stupidity on this game reached)
Killerboy on 01/09/10, 13:40:03 PM | Reply

there's one guy that even went to lan, i'm sure many people know him and it's gonna be a shock for some, oc premier skll :D
(sA-Sa7z) -_-
<@sA-Sa7z> (20:48:33) (@khaplja) stop ruining people's names before I personally publish something
<@sA-Sa7z> (20:48:44) (eF`Zodiac) ive just heard them romours - im not responsible for that!
<@sA-Sa7z> (20:48:45) (Raul_XD) SA7Z GOING DOWN NICE :D
<@sA-Sa7z> (20:48:53) (@khaplja) sa7z is not going down
He said that 3 weeks ago
what's the deal? just post the list and update it when new ones are caught, i don't know what all the fuss is about over the stupid delay and the unnecessary build up to the list, stop attention whoring and just post the damn thing already :x
you seriously dont understand why they will delay?
i'm hoping you're going to elaborate!
or I could go talk to a wall, now that would be more intellectually constructive. x-(

image: mobile_troll
If they published a list now, every cheater who has had a friend busted using the same cheat will stop using it, therefore avoiding getting busted themselves.

The longer you wait, the more fish in the net.
But do you realise that if u wait too long the fishes dies?:<
It is time for the dishonest to pay for their crimes
hey mate, how are you doing? didn't see you for quite a time :)
Studies, reading for tests etc :/ I've been playing for quite a bit though!

What about you? :)
well, finally find something stable with frauwe, psy and tomoyo. and i have some relaxed days at work while playing trackmania with my mates haha.

join up for some further talks and support if you want, see ya there :)
Hum gona be there couse I tested some cheats on slac :D:D
image: haxy
congradz m8!

all your polish friends are on it too
Cool it will take me like 5 mins to have clean slac/cb/esl acc's ,new IP and hardwere spoofed. GJ
we will see, have fun buying new harddisk m8.
maybe u dont know but there are tools that you dont need to inject to ET and u can spoof ur hardwere :D
wow, me & chaplja never heard of this.
So tell me how u gona stop ppl spoof hardwere like that? SLAC is injecting only to ET,right? Or maybe now u gona scan my pc for cheats couse ur anti cheat fail so much?
as if i'm going to tell you polish cheating scum :D

have fun wasting money when you find out you cannot play anymore :D
Me so scared now :(
I can always play on jaymod :D
hf at 5th league, losing.
hahaha its Poland Adas folder
:D:D:D a co w kompa mi zagladasz pipko ?:*
great work guys ;) i thought there is more than 29 names in list
I hope that you give some proofs with the busted players. Not like, oke here are the busted cheaters better believe me, cause me and chaplja worked on it and it's slac.
You won't get much info, you won't know what bot was used, you won't know which part of the cheat is detected, you won't know what type of cheat it was, showing this to the public would be the most stupid thing to do, you're giving the cheatcoder the answer for his question (and also telling the cheaters which cheat NOT to use), not even PB gave all of this info, and you know how much this helped the cheat coders, they only needed to change one string and their bot got undetected again.

There will be a ban appeal system if you think you got banned innocently of course.
so you have simply believe into that banlist, without any proofs if the players cheated or not?
why do you believe in PB Banlist then? (which bans many innocent people thanks to their cvar&file scanning)
this was no offence, just asked to be sure that i've got it. only one more question. will this banlist be regulary updated on the new slac page so that everybody can check everytime who is banned? will the banlist be available for everyone?
yes, this is the only list which will take this long, because 'we' are waiting for the new speedlink site.

after that the list will be updated regularly every (1/2 weeks) and it will be available for everyone on the SL Page, there will be a "Cheater List" section along with other stuff.
Wasn't chaplje going to get his software of the antivirus blacklist? Can't seem to put slac in exceptions with mine.
SLAC detect Rivatuner or something like this?
rivatuner is not a cheat, there will be SLAC Screenshots to detect that though, long time no see by the way :)
oke, maybe you can talk in priv with the busted players who are claiming that they didn't cheat on SLAC. I hope that the appeal system will be fast (that you get a answer right away or atleast within 24h) and not so slowmo like CB :-P.
...and you won`t be sure if a guy really cheated
i mean this private anti cheat system is ridiculous
you can add any people you want into that list (even if he doesn`t ever used slac :P) and also remove you`re beloved friends and all private bot (made of chaplja) cheater scum
Not every admin is like you and cannot spend a few hours without abusing his powers
oh man that`s getting so old, don`t got any other arguments to flame me?...
then don't talk bs about adding people to the list, it's not possible to "ADD" a guy to a list, you need to put a cheat on his pc and force him to run it, and tell me why chaplja would do that, (if this is even possible)
but how should we know?! even not you has rights to edit the list, you just can see the list made of chaplja.
so how can we (et community) be sure?!:..tell me
it`s not like punkbuster with an offical/public and automatically refreshing list
chaplja doesn't make the list, SLAC automatically generates it, the list is LIVE like PB does but it's first private and then released.

For example, i know exactly when a guy starts cheating, i can tell you the last guy started cheating at 1.9.2010 15:25on this server
so there will be a public list when site is done ? i will see.... rafl lal private that`s what i meant...he`ll edit it before make it public

e.: sry for edit
Your comment is stupid by itself, if you are not going to hack you shouldn't even question that. I have never been busted cause I have never used or tested hacks so wtf do I care for the info about some busted players.

The fact that they don't give much info about the bans is a good thing like he explains and wtf would you worrie for that if you are not using hacks? or are you using them sir? that would make more sense.
i think you've taken that the wrong way, sir
lol, wtf shut the fuck up please stupid dicksucker
I thought you could give cheaters ability to actually uncover themselves.
It simply means, that anyone who cheated can confess and will get shorter ban (6 months instead of 12 for example).
This way you could catch these cheaters, who aren't on da list, but they are scared enough to tell the truth.
France 1? 2? 3? 10 ?::d:d:d:d:
probably delay because some busts arnt 100% sure yet ( proxy and stuff ?)

proxy doesn't effect whether a guy gets banned or not, you get banned because you cheated not because of a proxy :)

it's only delayed because the site is 95% finished.
you never can`t be sure, because there will be no proof (read my comment above to kb)
you were a league admin once? can never be sure? why'd anyone bother using pb before then ;)
lal?! was pb owned by league admins? Pb is and offical high protected "company" which you can really trust.

Slac is an private anti cheat system, controlled by a guy who created private bots for years and not only for et. Chaplja making atm still cheats for others games like cod, because there is money to earn...
He don`t care about the community, he cares about making money.

So who you trust more? Or you believed that chaplja turned 180° with his behavior to et....
SLAC isnt owned by any league admin either, it's owned by Speedlink? and since Speedlink is a professional organisation, you cant really call it a private AC system.
You think NOBODY watches chaplja's every move? they're not completely retarded.
haha i wanna see what Sa7z got busted for he is the noob of the team and the biggest whiner he calls everyone a cheater we play against :D ROFL!
"noob of the team"

never ever I'll install that shit
good to know you are installing it
hahaha xDDDDDDDDd
I'm on the list

image: trollface_small_yellow
etBot and RSHook and whatever require their own loader to work, injecting it with Winject won't work.
taking taking

fuckin russian faggot
Have you ever followed the Scene?

Slac doesnt kick you from the server. it busts you SILENTLY.

+ there cant be any slacproofed hacks yet, because noone knows if he got busted already or not.
Hi Partial.
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