f5 & impact going to share the [1st] place

They have decided that they gonna share the pocal, f5 gets mouse's and impact get whatever the 2nd team were supposed to get, in my opinion poorly handled by f5 (shit deal), and admins(forfeit to f5 asap), well done impact(i mean it).


Ps. Can u call it a win if u split it? In my opinion its not a win -.-

Pss. Pistäisin sinuna pojat ruotuu ensam -.-
what mouses they get?
Only took >1700 lines on irc to figure it out.
Impact ends 2nd since they get 2nd place winnings :3
wow ET is now doing like movies ... shit ending
I can only say there was just no other solution to do this. As skooli said, it took around 1700 irc lines to get this point.
you like chatting or you doesnt
fuck you, my moneyz
It's like football, only one team can take the Cup home unless they wish to split it in half :P
gratz f5 and me ofc duh
Only solution, grats to f5.
do not understand :P
shouldnt they both get 2nd then? :/
loololol I bet draw on games tv now i get triple my money
brb editing profile
Quote Eurocup XXI

image: borat_great_success-450x337
Holy shit EC just ended right now? I guess I'm just getting tired of ET all together but honestly it feels like it took forever to finish :p pretty much the same last season. Fucking ditch this boring-ass EC format and do something new, crossfire should arrange something. Clanbase was never really that good anyway and I really don't see why it even has such high prestige in the ET scene.
yes it was clanbase's fault for the delays, admins wanted to reschedule the match for no reason instead of giving forfeit, noob admins!
Where did I say it was clanbase's fault? well, I guess I do think it is clanbase's fault in a way. Just force the games to be played, I guess you could argue that it's for entertainment purposes only and that the games should be played and not forfeited, well teams just seem to fuck with the system and postpone games anyways. People are just being slackers (I'm one of them actually :D)

I mean honestly I'd rather see forfeits than a tournament that takes several months too finish, honestly I can't even remember what teams started this tournament, and I didn't even know who got to the final until just now.

I never meant to say that clanbase is shit and that this is their fault or anything like that, I just think there should be something new for once. Do a weekly/monthly tournament or even a cup every sunday. Maybe put the most succesful teams to duke it out in a final weekly tournament at the end of the year or something, I dunno. I'm just bored as hell of eurocup to be fair.
A weekly tourny/cup wouldn't really be an "honour" to win surely
Honestly I don't even think there's much honour in winning eurocup these days anyways. How many lineup changes were made? what's the honour in winning something when you started the cup with a completly different lineup than you finished it with. Weren't it Impact who changed their lineup like a thousand times?

In that sence I even think that a weekly tournament would be more honorable to win because then the lineups are actually the same at the end of the tourney. EC lost it's touch imo and hasn't been interesting at all for a long time. I'd like to see the format change, but that's just me, if everyone else thinks it's still an awesome tourney then that's alright I guess =)
why not have it more like the premier league in football, only a bit smaller. Have 15 top teams which play each other team once and the winner is the one with the most wins. Its nice having a final and all but it doesnt reward consistency like a ladder/league would.
warleagues had that before during the time scene was really changing around and most of the EC teams just quited after their first loss, in the end there was like 3-5 teams left. Next season was a bit better but still lot of drop outs (teams sign in with big goals just to get owned they just fold it then) but i guess semi+finals (for top 4)saved it a lot.

also bigger groups has been tested in EC also, with bad results

just not gonna work
hmm maybe add in a transfer time and then lock lineups for several weeks so people HAVE to play or not play atall
I guess he means that no such long rescheds should be allowed and the format should be changed :-p
It's not your fault, but can you not do more to force the hand of the teams involved?

Wasn't the final overdue by a number of weeks? (accumulated throughout the entire cup). I agree with Nuggan. I have no idea who even started EC.
you cant blame cb for this
CB were very fair in the way that they dealt with the reschedule. Cant blame them for anything that went wrong, was a decent tournament.
lol this is even worse than the sequel to titanic
Worst decision in online gaming ever.
cant really see how 2-0 and 3:xx on adler turns into a draw but whatever. enjoy your pocal eVo. you really deserve it =D
you lost 1st match fair noob
you lost 1st match fair noob
you lost 1st match fair noob
how can you count adler if it wasnt even played completely?
ye you attacked and set a time but impact didnt have the chance to beat the time.
and counting the other maps its clear: you lost the first match in a fair way and won the first map of the second final..
Quotehow can you count adler if it wasnt even played completely? ye you attacked and set a time but impact didnt have the chance to beat the time.

read my comment again. i only mentioned the part of adler that was played (our attack). impact's attack should be replayed. server had nothing to do with rest of adler or entire delivery, hence its ridiculous that they were asking for redo of whole 2nd match.

Quoteand counting the other maps its clear: you lost the first match in a fair way and won the first map of the second final..

how is this related to anything? we were the ones winning second match
i simply cant understand your comment as if evo would be uberproud of that pocal although neither of you really won the ec... imo the second map of the second match should be replayed in a fair way... the first map was okay and not suffering too big problems to justify a replay.
i m sure that wouldnt be too much of a problem since your team can do even better than yesterday and theres not really anything you need to fear.
I doubt that taking the pocal would be the most important thingy in your life, and since there is not even money included, why not end this once again in a fair way to really find out who the best team in et currently is? Since you guys are not even interested in coming to a lan and play for money, this is pretty much everything its all about...
and you never will understand without reading the war chan logs. how did adlernest suffer from the lag apart from the server crash? there is absolutely no legit cause to void the time we set.
there is no draw in a final!!

just LoL!!
:-| f5 scared
hah bullshit
if thats the poor ending of the most important cup in et then i just have to lol..
impact cried and cried and finally got first place! well done!
Holy c0w
wp impact
Anyone has stats from this match ?
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