losing key packet 9014

what is this ?

» Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 14 characters.
you lost a key packet
then you better go catch it
dunno what keys he has got !
I was going to write the same journal, wtf is this? happened twice already in hirnlos. We need slac server side soon, pb is becoming unplayable.
put off the hax
losing key packets means u are lagging.

and dont get a real stable connection to the server, just go to ts3 serv, right click-->connection infos, u will see some packetloss there too (if u got wlan)
never happened before, even playing with wifi, and this is not the classic loosing key packets... quite strange that happened twice today and I saw other players getting kicked for same reason.
well ive been kicked for losing key packets only during my lagger time, not before and not after!
exact same situation never happened but now ...
this is the kitchen
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