make custom ET

hi, i always have this crappy backround and shit pictures from random publics which get download automatically (which i have to do cause of their 700 random maps).. how can i make my own custom backround/theme which will get loaded everytime when i start ET so i dont have the crappy random ones anymore?

i belive its some .pk3 editing with winrar?

thx bb
jaymod owner u are?
ask perfo
ye go for red models as axis, and green ones for allies. looking good.
isnt that considered as cheating
pro has spoken.
lol, harun. was soll das jetz wieder heißen?
Delete all 1Ko pk3 files (from 1 to 10 Ko) from your etmain
I'd think it possible if you extract the background from pak0.pk3, edit it accordingly and repack it (don't forget the proper paths). Load order of custom .pk3s seems to be alphabetical in nature, so name it something like zzz_background.pk3 and hopefully ET will load it last.

I can't check this however since I'm not home at the moment.
thats true, doesnt need checking :p
pakX.pk3 files are not allowed to be edited. there must be an other way to solve...

beasty: study the files u already downloaded from other server which changed the background. learn from them. gl
Why not allowed? Guess it isn't that hard to change hashes. Can't say that it wouldn't be stupid tho, would force every player to re-download pak0, would be total shit with and without wwwdownload :D
i dont want to do anything which could get me in troubles :P

just my own "theme" which is forced so i dont have the random shit ones all the time :)
I meant repacking the background image in a separate archive, hence my comment about the name of the file.
okay thanks :)
Check my reply to LeFiZip, don't edit the actual pak0.pk3. :p
yeye i wouldnt edit the original .pk3 file.. guess that will give me some errors or pb warnings :P

when trying to re-edit an already downloaded one i had to find out that i have no idea where this downloaded file is and how it is called.. i have some z_hirntot files which are just sounds and a menu.. but no real "backround" and "loading bar" theme.. so i cant even delete it :S
u can call me: FiZip

same, somehow hirnlos bypasses my allowdownload 0 and forces them -.-
good example of what i want do do.. can u upload it somehwere so i have an nice example which i can edit? also, did u get my msg @irc about mousepads?
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