Maths lul


Wut b teh domain?

Go go go

First one gets a cookie :3
the answer is 5
3x is in [2k * pi; (2k + 1) * pi] so x is in [2k/3 * pi; (2k+1)/3 * pi]
You forgot to mention that k is part of the collection of Z, but I'll let that one slide

image: chocolate_chip_cookie

For you sir.
k is usually in Z and x in R. I assumed it's a standard notation :P. Do you have a glass of milk to go with the cookie? That would be awesome.
Yes, but it should always be noted nonetheless, in some cases K is allowed to be R. :)
Ca sent la douille!
= 2 easy, do whats ur problem, totally easy
sqrt = squirt
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