Got banned while playing todays match with slac but the question is how the fuck can i get a ban for "aimbot/wallhack/spike models..." without using any of that shit? I play with slac since release, same config, nothing new instaled on pc, no cheats on PC and still he "busts" me? How the fuck can i see the motive i was banned? A screen, a log, smt that can tell me that i was banned for some reason --' .. How the fuck can i apply if there is no ticket system for slac nor any given proofs that slac was right?
That shit anti-cheat tool doesnt even let me know why i got that "ban" so how the fuck do i know what cause this?
cheater mad
00004372 KillerBoyTOKURWA

they like u
Im not really mad but when the developer of the anti cheat is speccing me and thinks im hacking and after 5 mins i got insta ban is kinda "wtf"? Since when u get insta ban on slac? --'

<@khaplja> strider caught cheating in this match, they're still playing
<@khaplja> he's obvious when he uses it
<@khaplja> goto ettv for some lulz

edit: yeah go ettv for some lulz --'
he went on ettv after you got banned/caught
Would you have preferred to play a few more matches?
i rather prefer see a proof because a small text saying "Cheater" isnt a proof for me lol :D .. I wanna know what i've used, if it was nexus, bobot, pale, ethook because i think they dunno the answer :)
E) All of the above.
from punkbuster you would have gotten exactly the same. some basic information and nothing more. so just cut the whine.

and you should know best what you used :D

would have given proof.
and what kinda proof? :)))

e: and dont tell me pb screens since that was like 10% of all busts if even that many
PB gives you the hack ID. I know PB works differently from SLAC, but there's still more info in "MULTIHACK #100002" than in "CHEATER".
I mean, supposing that there was a false alarm in SLAC detections and someone got banned because of it (without actually cheating), how could it be proven that he didn't cheat if not even the developer is able to tell which cheat a banned person has used?

Oh, and don't get me wrong - I think SLAC is a good thing. But authorities shouldn't just go accusing people of doing something, saying that "I have PROOF of them doing this!", but failing to present any real proof about the said person doing the said thing. Just "I saw!" or "I know!" is not enough.

There has been one case with PB too, where it kicked innocent people for multihack something, and it is totally possible for SLAC to kick innocent people too.

Just sayin'
Exactly thats what im waiting, how do i prove i wasnt cheating? Or present me hard proofs i was cheating :)
Look at the way you talk, its obvious that you cheated...
QuoteI mean, supposing that there was a false alarm in SLAC detections and someone got banned because of it (without actually cheating), how could it be proven that he didn't cheat if not even the developer is able to tell which cheat a banned person has used?

And who says he doesn't know? ;)

And the PB multihack kick is completely different. It was caused by certain integers being in your memory.

It was an operation set in motion by nC. They went in most IRC channels where a lot of ET players are and say the integer. If the player is playing ET OR if he is going to without closing IRC/Logging off/Rebooting/etc... Then he would get banned.

SLAC works differently, therefore SUCH cases, simply can't happen.

There could be other flaws, but I hardly doubt Chaplja AND SLAC would be wrong in this case.

One of them... possible, but both?

A cheatcoder and an anti-cheattool being wrong about a cheater?

I don't see it, sorry. :)
It's a fucking software! every single software on this planet has bugs.
I never said SLAC was flawless, if you read my comment properly, you'll notice I even mention that.

However, my essential argument is that the combination of SLAC + Chap (and KB too :P) would be pretty hard to get it wrong.

We have an anti-cheat tool designed by a very very good coder AND (in this case) Chap even saw the actions with his own 2 eyes.

Chap needed less than a minute to know he was cheating, though naturally watched longer.
I don't care if KB or chap are "seeing" something.
What is wrong is, that we have no proof. (yeah pb blabla)

KB always said that no one can modify the cheat detection cases, so there could always be a false positive. And nobody can check this.
I think cheatcoders and cheatbusters are very good at seeing when someone cheats and when not.

Chaplja has the information and checked it. It's 100% certain it's a cheater.

I'm sure SLAC collects enough info for him to say that which such certainty.

Other than that, this guy is obviously a cheater.

He first claimed he couldn't use SLAC, but then (after pressure by his team I presume) he loaded SLAC and joined with no probs....

And just by the way he posts and the manner he's obvious that he's a busted cheater trying to save his butt, but alas, no avail for him. :)

I love how people are never critical towards the things they should be critical too but are always bitching over the little things that are so obvious anyone could see it...

People just love things that aren't supposed to happen or that are rare I suppose :)
Don't know him and I don't care if he's a cheater or not.

What do you mean with the last 2 paragraphs?
I was not talking specifically about this case, but about stuff in general. It is completely possible to there be a "conflict" with a piece of software, for example video card drivers and SLAC, so that users of that software would get "flagged" by SLAC.

I talked about this on the IRC channel yesterday and I was told that so far all the bans have been 100% sure, and that Chaplja doesn't ban based on "something is wrong" reports (like with PB, there are violations and restrictions, the latter being the ones conflicts with legit software often trigger, and the earlier being almost 100% sure cheat detections). But that doesn't mean that someone could in theory have a faulty video card driver which isn't a cheat and doesn't offer any advantage for them, but could be taken by SLAC as a "video driver hack", and then they get banned later while actually being innocent.

But oh, pardon me. I enjoy speculating things and pondering even things with very faint chances of happening, and most people usually simply don't understand. I'm not saying that an erronneus bust has happened, nor am I saying that one is ever going to happen, what I'm saying is "What IF such thing happened?".

PS: the PB thing I was talking about dates back to 2004 and I believe it has nothing to do with netcoders.
I was referring to a few years ago when... 2 well known players got banned for it and later thousands of players (I believe it was slajdan and lio)

SLAC uses heurestics detection though, contrary to PB who uses Cvar scanning and MD5 hash and whatmore...

The essential difference is that such problems like videocard'hacks' (that don't give an advantage) simply aren't detected either (obviously) thanks to the nature of the program.

It scans for cheatlike behaviour, which no modified videocard driver (or anything else that's 'legitimate) would cause.

PB conflicts with a lot of programs, the list is endless.

SLAC, has, as you know, for security reasons, conflicts with anti-viruses as well and probably a few other things, however, the conflicts with PB often led to kicks/bans whereas for SLAC it gives less critical issues like no sound, fpslag, etc...

In conclusion we can safely assume none of such cases will happen (actually a few already happened in beta stage, but chap was aware of it and no one got banned so it doesn't count imo :3)

I know that was your point, but I'm just putting this out there so nubs know what's up
lol new schooler
thats not true pb always says why you get caught.
Guess what 2time in the pb list and in both i was deleted and they say that were sorry for the mistake aka bug aka trojan or wtf it was.
so shut up and dont be lame
Did you copy/paste this from old bust topics? Be original.
chapi took a visit to your hdd :I
bibuy cheater
cry me a river
cheater mad
ask your brother
i had to fap to that
I'm not even that surprised given your new username.
do u like it
I love it! Would you mind adding Poland kot to your buddy list? I know it's a lot to ask, but it's just for the lulz and you can remove him later.
only for you :))
your paypal is hacked now too btw :)
take ure complains to chap
bibuy cheater
I hope you'll solve this problem (:
can't see any problem here captain !
Problem officer? (:
what happened to the real Francis ?
What do you mean friend? (:
did you buy his account or something ?
Yes, admins are so dumb lol. (:
I decided to spread the love with his account.
are u trollin' me ?
he is just copying ensam
teh old Francis was much better
not rly, he wasnt rly funny, he always been uncreative, just like now....
Hey my mad detector alerted me, sup? (:
Why do you think so? (:
reminds me more like humm3l when he didn't get the EC invite and put that "(:" smiley after every mad sentence he wrote
but this is dif if u read all his comments:P
Francis m8, sup? How was life? :PP
Pretty nice friend, u? (:
All good mate, tried to visit your profile a while ago but it seemed to be "disabled" or it didn't excist :D
sup francois, have you found a team?
No, nicon m8 such a shame (:
I wonder why there is only one post like that so far :D
not cf-banned yet
True, this is bullshit, same as the proof.
QuoteSuspension reason: Cheating (Heur/Hacked game)
Because the other cheaters realize they got banned for a good reason and either aren't retarded enough to try this or they don't come on crossfire (or are banned)
what if he said true ? proofs slac proofs don't be so naive guys
What if he's just another cheater that got mad because he got busted?

Proof cheater proof

Slotje, commenting about you; I really thought the same, what if this is true and not some bullshit shit. I mean hes crossfire user for 5years, and if this would happend to you - and people would rage you would be mad aswell.
er zit ook een reply button
Zoals dit? Het was meer een comment in het algemeen wat te maken had met slotje voor een kleine deel, het was niet tegen hem bedoeld. Wel bedankt voor de waardevolle informatie
Indeed, damn crossfire behaviour, it prevents ppl from thinking rationally i guess
If I was falsely busted, I'd just go and talk to Chaplja in private instead of making things worse by making a post here :D
dont be naive guys!!!!

it's CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
at first i read 'SLAC DUCK'

Sorry, that small "CHEATER" is all the proof you'll be getting. We pesky peasants of Crossfire wouldn't understand such complex things such as actual proof of using a cheat, and hence we aren't getting any. And don't come claiming that you would understand something, because you won't. And if you do, you won't be getting any proof either because then you could either a) understand that it's bs or b) figure out how SLAC works from it.
Just repeating what I've been told on the channel.
You can avoid confusion if you memorize this as well.
Cheater mad :(
SLAC proof hax are awesome, everyone should try them and then join CF and whine about their ban.
why proofs when you can trust in a guy who spent years making and selling cheats..
everyone makes faults.
omg strider omg
haha ..

the fuck is wrong with you? .. claiming the tool is making false detections?

must be out of your fuckin' mind, arent you?
think he is more saying that that chaplja or however you spell his name was speccing, saw him and just instantly went to the profile and changed it to that he is busted. Interesting argument, but I would assume someone would police how busts are mad and not go on some random 'list' that is announced every now and then like it is the gospel.
lol why would anyone do that? :D
so chaplja thought he's cheating after specing him and "made him get busted"? :D
I mean... why him? :D I remember Strider not even being that good, he was rather whining about his opponent hacking usually :D:D I really gott a spec that match xD
oh I dont say I agree, but it is an interesting argument - I have no idea who the original poster is was just commenting and helping an old german enemy out :D
Which is wrong. Chap only went to ETTV after the ban to watch the replay.

I know this cuz they were talking about it on IRC.
not rly, he came to ettv when slac detected a cheat, banned him while speccing.
u mad
maybe query chaplja, talk to him, appeal whatever if your story was true... what i doubt though... instead of making stupid whine and flame journals

... on the hand I haven't seen anyone else getting busted who didn't desurve it

... on the other hand I find it so strange that a guy with that much et experiece actually cheats. judging from someone's experience if ofc nothing solid to rely on. however it feels weird :/
One word.

jan is not cb-banned
But he is a cheater :3
fantastic arguement
Everyone knows it, why try and deny it?
“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.”

- Anthony de Mello
I did question them, however, last video convinced me, sorry :)
we didn't go public with all the evidence. therefore a lot has stayed between us and the admins.

I won't argue with you anymore. no offense, I don't want to sound rude, but we aren't getting anywhere.
More evidence? That would just further contribute to the knowledge of his cheats, huray :)
sorry I thought cpt obvious wasn't neccessary. evidence on that he did not cheat
How could there be evidence of NOT cheating apart from NOT playing in the first place?

That's right, there can't be. It's impossible to prove you did not cheat, it's only possible to prove you did cheat.

But I guess that's too difficult for you to comprehend.
no need to be rude, especially since you are the one not too familiar with the circumstances.

I won't waste my time on someone acting like you do. if you're that interested, then you're free to ask killerboy for what reason jAN wasn't banned. maybe he is willing to spend some time on a unfriendly guy like you.

chaplja > your face

It says heuristics, by definition this uses intuative methods to find a cheat that dont rely on specifically targetting a single named cheat - rather it looks at the underlying effects a cheat has on the game and catches that

so by definition its not always possible to know exactly what the cheat is called, it catches their generic behaviour instead.
finally someone says something smart
you have some good points, but you are probably wrong
2 low for cheats
Oh que triste, lloremos todos
mad cheater is mad
Here is the GTV Link to the match

funniest part is in the beginnning he says: " i cant use slac, the game wont open" after 10 mins he comes back with slac on :DDD

and his name :D::D:D hes so trolling

"snp strider pale"
shame on you.The slac never worked on his pc, hes my friend in real life and i saw it with my own eyes!besides that he had to go to the slac FAQ to get help with the slac.

ps:"snp strider pale" means nothing!
go after tag.bimbot so
That's why it worked perfectly when he returned right?
btw i know that you have a small brain but at least watch the demo and give your honest opinion about that dont play stupid and try to be mature
It's not because he doesn't use high values that he isn't cheating.

Likewise, as long as the cheat RUNS and even if he doesn't enable any features, he'll still get busted and banned for using cheats.

Just accept that he's a cheater and move on.
man he doesnt cheat because i know him. i play with him for 5years.just simple as that.
Everyone knows someone they've played with for that long, doesn't mean he doesn't cheat.

If you do not understand that then you're braindead.
his ban is over, he was not cheating, u are just a fuckin lowbobtardKIDDO.
you are so coooool
where is the proof that he actually used stuff?
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