to all coffee addicts

i'd rather die if i couldn't start day w/o a cup of pure stinkyness. shouldn't you snort some real pow(d)er instead of this? what about morning chocolate, 2 eggs, toasts, cottage + a bit of honey & some exercises shortly after for a proper start?

shoutouts to all Europe people (+ Canada anim ;D) who like to smoke and relax instead of boosting heartbeats !:D

image: 56684910640
white cheese, lol.
mine kooli
u cant win this, didnt u learn this from school, ohh wait
coffee is like cigarettes

both taste like shit and are unhealthy

nice chick
Coffee is healthy like shit u fickstick.
u fickstick.
two unbelieveable stupid announcements in one reply
i have bad news for u
Coffee tastes like shit, tobacco is addictive, a shower is all I need in the morning to wake up.
Lol to relax, smoke some weed :P
+1 on the first sentence
anim smoking! NICE JOKE
i don't rly know but wanted shoutout to him because we've been teammates once back in 2k6 and i still love him because he's the only one genuine noneuropean who i've met so far (what means you're not welcome with reply XD).
well, it helps that he's homosexual too :)
too means like you? och wait, i see now - you're gay who would like to hang out with him, but unfortunately he prefers girls.
i'm having cyber with him right now
give me my morning tea and i'll be aight for the day
i would love to have a cup of tea with Qyz, the almighty hax0r who was playing at top level before i even born.
Anytime you're in the neighbourhood you're more than welcome :) And my haxing days are over, as could be seen from our placement in 3v3 OC 7th division (no joke!)
Nice -.- And I even thought that you achieved the #2 spot in the ladder without :)
waar heb je het over? Als je 1on1 ladder 1e plaats bedoeld, jah daar heb ik nooit gecheat :)
Gelukkig <3 :D

mja dat bedoelde ik, maar kheb alleen meegekregen dat je toen 2e stond, fobje eerste toen ofzo
hybernation - bam 1e plek! <3
i don't enjoy coffee, but i really like energy drinks that keep me pumping :( drink them almost everyday, doesn't matter if i slept 4 or 14 hours, always reminds me of my youth (xtc lol), its like 1/10 of the effect :D

oh and ye i enjoy weed but im just 2 lazy to buy it from dealers call them and so on x)

and currently on camel blues
i prefer west silvers but propably its not even available @ .ee, is it?
yea we had them but they dissapeared before i even started smokin ^^
i like coffee but im not addicted to it -.-
Moj Tomos GAS, jst sm najhitrej na vas!
Sm fergazr mu zamenov, pa blajerco sfrizirov
Bi se skorj ubu k sm bambija sfasirov!
mikeTHEbike, polak typing in foreign language? am sorry for your loss.
im not low :<
i dont like coffee!!
feel shoutouted then, haha ;d whinem8!
indeed you should snort some real powder instead of ths
brandon smoking?!?! i'm telling his mother
i only drink coffee in the morning if im up all night studying. green tea is the way.
and energy drink is for girls.
lol at people who don't know that you can put sugar and milk in your coffee so it tastes awesome
yea, drinking a morning chocolate is really nice! when you are 8.

coffee is like alcohol, first few times you drink it it wont taste, then u get used to it and like it.
being old is tough eh? :)
depends, if u dont get REMINDED OF IT EVERY 3 MINUTES ITS OK, NOCTI :D
don't worry, you're not old enough to be my father, so that's good
oh, thats great x)
Then I guess you dont even know anymore how it tasted when u started drinking it? :D
Not that I remember that, started drinking coffee 20 years ago :p
I think I was a kid of 12 or something, I dont remember the exact taste but that I didnt like it :P
on summer i couldn't drink coffee because it was too hot, but now it's nice again :)
a nice cig with a coffee and all is fine
I like coffee. The taste is nice, at least without any suger in it. It also depends a lot on the type of coffee imo. I also like it because it's pretty cheap :p

It has no effect on me whatsoever so I drink it whenever I want to. Sometimes I don't drink it for a week and sometimes I drink 5 coffee in 1 day. Not addicted, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Energy drink shit on the other hand, is super nasty and gives me a headache after just half a can :)
My mornings:
When i open my eyes i get my cigarets and roll one. Then i go outside, smoke it
Then i go make some coffee and while its getting ready i pee/shit
When coffee ready I roll new cigaret, go outside, smoke he cigaret and drink coffee same time
Then I get inside, put rest of my clothes on and start going to bus stop.
While waiting a bus i normally smoke cigaret again

Later at the day i dont smoke that much, one cig in 1-2h or so
At no point did you mention showering, skank.
I never have time to shower at morning so i shower just before bed : <
and you dont brush your teeth either? :O
Wrigleys Extra White FTW
Ye ofc lol. Doing it after coffee while im putting clothes on 8D
I get up, go to my car, stick head out window, splash some puddles, get dressed, go into office, brush teeth, then have tea.

My mornings are often interesting.

A man is having a morning walk through the cemetry, he sees another man crouched down behind a tombstone, he says to the man "Morning", the man replies "No, just having a shit".
Is that last sentence a joke? if it is its really bad =(
No it's acctualy whats happened this morning.
aha ok. Then its ok
i like this:
image: 303472_p1
+1 good taste :-) though not very strong :-) (obvious)
w00t ?!
coffee tastes good
idd, you only live once man
your profile pic is full of stinkyness
now its full of win like urs ;D
coffee is like a best drink ever
I like Starbucks coffee :(
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