fuckin school

being at school .. but its so boring.. got 2 lessons religion,after this 2 lessons english and then 2 lessons latin
i cant wait for the weekend to begin =/
what are u doing ?
btw care for me
dce wazaa my lover
im bored =/
i am bored 2 after 1h i must go to school too :<
pics straight outta vienna out of my window

image: bild0021zr9
Vienna @ 11:35 CET =/ where is the greenhouse effect when you really need it
lol it looks like ur livin in an army camp or something xD what the hell is that for kinda building xD
I think it's a train or smth.
o LOL good mornin ur right... thought it was a weird kinda building ;)
school idem dito :(
behind this pc till 2 o'clock.
unleash the carebears
religions and latins xD
did u chose it ?
jep i did it :P
religion? :xx
Why do I love vacation... ?!
Fürs Leben lernt man lieber rene, das schadet dir nicht

und wenn du brav genug gelernt hast, kannst du auch so ein fauler student sein wie ich
wenn du das sagst ;)
yup and now in english....
me at school too. Fucked up space on this keyboard btw!
skipping school atm, gona go to physics and history in an hour
what sort of school still teaches latin? o.0
;D every school except mine teaches latin.
sick at home
AT work just chillin a bit.
loool :D:D
me on the other hand am enjoying my holidays just like all other belgians :)
so all GL AND HF @ school, i've woken up like an hour ago but by then u'll prolly were having a boring lesson and i'm behind my pc nice warm 'n cosy
wtf are you for gay:X wtf are you doing at xfire when you are at school? dont you have friends to talk with or have fun or smth :X
Those friends are msn'ing and surfing and stuff... Welcome to the new world.
At school, imo, pretty sick...
Times change :)
still school is for studying, dont go if you only be at xfire :X
<3 vacation
yeah but why would you chose a language that isn't spoken anymore?
What about lawyer, doctors or biologists?
you don't need to speak fluently in latin to understand the handful of words they use
In my oppenion you don't speak latin anyways. You just need to understand it. For Example lawyer, doctors or biologists or historian. And there are some more words than a handful tbh. It has any sense or the language wouldnt be teachered tbh.
"It has any sense or the language wouldnt be teachered tbh."

mh, nothing against latin (it's needed & interesting, I didn't learn it tbh), but there are many things teached, where I can't see any sense in. :D
coz most of Europe languages depends on latin?
so you are saying that if you don't speak latin you will have trouble speaking other languages? :xxxx
nope but its easier to learn most of Europe languages if u speak latin :)
I regretted it, that I chose french instead of latin :D
my father is a doctor and had NO latin @ school.....
u need it to study in germany..
<3 no school @ friday

I have it every week, but last year was better for me imo (no school on monday and friday)
i got 10 p. in latin if u want to get teached pm me :>
got my latin exam back.. 6 points (15 points =highest).. average was 4,5 :x
we`ve got a real bad course :P
völlig unskilled rene (=
wie kann man nur so viel dreck schreiben
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