the end of the world, your idea

how do you think it will end, i need some crazy ideas!

omg maus omg
Niggers will kill all whites -> Niggers will continue doing nothing -> everybody dies
dont know why but i lol'd hard

guess im a terrible racist
I think the world will get DDOS-ed from outerspace, rendering us all unable to move and in a state of constant limbo.

No more wank? =C
CERN particle accelerator will kill us all :(
stfu faggit
Chuck Norris claps his hands
it will end from a giant flood with hurricanes, lightning storms and tsunamis


China will have finally used all their billion people to make an unstoppable army and just take over everything(china taking over everything is the end of the world imo xD )
They could just make everyone jump at the same time so the earth will spin out of its orbit and crash into the sun
anything is possible when you're chinese! :AWD@D2
All white
minecraft becomes real and the world will collapse because of the massive cave system that will be dug by crossfire people.

[fanboy] they give you a gun and tell you its a free4all [/fanboy]

there will be one huge solarflare that is too huge for the natural barrier to withstand and will shut down all the electronics on the planet, north korea will blame south korea they nuke south korea usa helps south korea and nukes north korea then iran helps north korea and nukes usa and secret haters russia will start nuking everything else

niggers from afrika will spread aids everywhere except to madagascar

when loekino gets banned from crossfire forever

a supersaiyan will emerge and the planet will blow up because of the immense powers of this supersaiyan
stfu moran
poland winnin euro 2012
And you're polish
Wow you guys have some one heck of a stupidity line, no offense eh?
thanks for visiting my profile, man!
poland highly steals the pokal , not more
I don't think the world will end. Mankind will die and the planet will recover.
The world will end sooner or later, accept it.
there is no proof for this - it s just a theory ;)
There is no proof that we actually exist either. We might just be projections by some super advanced computer... it might be so advanced that we sort of got our own intelligence...

At any rate, I'd rather follow theories that a lot of scientists, some of which who devoted their lifes to it, are all one the same line with, then just hoping it won't happen..


The Earth WILL come to an end when the Sun goes out of hydrogen... The reaction that follows is an expansion, this expansion will completely swallow the Earth (and ofc mercurius and venus and maybe mars, who cares about those anyway)

Now, say we can avoid that by moving further away from the Sun...

What would happen then... Less light would reach the Earth -->>> A LOT colder ->>> Ice age like never occurred before... especially because of all the emission gasses

Now, say we have a fix for all that, great right? We can avoid an ice age, woohoo

What would happen then? We would probably be somewhere in the astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Which means we'd constantly get hit by astroids...

Sure, most of them are small enough so we won't notice anything of them (burn up in the atmosphere) However, the bigger ones will start recking everything in sight.

Say we find a way to destroy those meteors. Great right?

What would happen then...? Basically, the struggle of gravity will commence. We got Jupiter, an oversized planet and undersized star on one side and we got the Sun on the other side (the Sun will be a lot smaller, though this won't make a difference since it will have the same mass).

Now, since we moved away from the Sun we'll be a lot closer to Jupiter right? Jupiter has less mass, but we're closer to it... Depending on that distance, we'll either get smashed into Jupiter or we'll get smashed into the Sun.

Why? Because we fucked up the orbit by moving the Earth.

Say we can fix the spin of Earth so it creates a new orbit... A longer route around the Sun obviously. Great right?

What would happen then...? Well.. We'd probably get raped by some gigantic astroid that we can't destroy

Say we can save our asses from all of that and life for billions of years!

What would happen then...?

The big rip. Basically it's the aftermath of the Big Bang. The universe is still expanding... However, even the space time continuum has a maxium stretch. Just think of a balloon that you keep on blowing air in. Eventually it will rip... Destroying everything we percieve as reality.

But hey... Who am I? Who are those scientists who spend decades of research and thinking about this subject anyway? Noone right? It's just another theory....
hmm you dont know how science will develope - maybe there will be some absorbation machine which is able to asborb the energy coming from the destruction of the sun. or maybe we will be able to create our own sun - progress is survival.
And just the future will show who s right - but we won't see it anyways ;)
The son won't be destroyed.... It will swap to Helium, but in the process it first expands ...then deflates.

Create our own sun? With what material exactly?
man i don't know - maybe with a newly discovered element - future will tell.
I just think that the human race is intelligent enough to be able to find a way to solve that problem. Maybe it will take another 2000 years but i m sure they will find a way ;)

We know enough about stars to know that we do not have enough material to build it.

Stars are build of very basic elements, not heavy and complicated ones (which a new one would be)
It don't need to be a star - it could also be a generator which is able to provide that energy the sun gives. UV B waver or smth
You'd need millions of them to reach everyone...
ye and we have millions of bottles and pins being created everyday. And now think about the fact that technology develops - sooner or later we ll be on a standard which isn't imaginable yet. Future is progress.
Oh but just a fyi... UV light isn't good for life. Infact, if it wasn't for the ozon layer it would be killing us all. ;)
without uv b light we wouldn't live either cause the plants wouldn't be able to do photosnythesis and that would mean no o2 for us ;)
We could just give the plants UV? :D

Besides, who says we'll even need plants.

They ALREADY have made a synthetic kind of plant that can do photosynthesis, np and without UV light iirc
agreed, the only reason this world is dying is cause of us, without people living on it, it will get better!
when polandball can into space
poland ball = emo
The Big Bang 2
The day you'll get a girlfriend, ET will die and the entire world also.

Oh wait... :}D
exactly -> gtfo now
You are only good @ playing ET
Stop attention whoring on cf
u mad, cuz u fat -> u dont get a gf , at least not a decent 1 m8
my gf is decent imho
tits or gtfo
we sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home sleep stand up go to work go back home ... ?
it wont end. some alliens are going to invade the earth but then you will spanw and save us
Posting in mAus' journal.
Something will crash into us and we'll die, probably some gigantic ass comet and our feeble attempts to stop it will not be enough.

Alternatively, a fusion experiment could go wrong and scorch the earth

But much more likely is that 4chan will gain control of all nuclear weaponry on Earth and use it to troll.
when mystic dies, world collapse.
this is how it ends

we'll kill each others.. + our nature so no H2O for us = death for all
the world will end then a screen will pop up saying level 2
maus quit et
you just want #1 most commented journal :o)
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