Most Hated Productions

Hello Crossfire,

On behalf of Most Hated Productions[/url], and Kamz himself, I am posting the newly acquainted addition to the Most Hated brand.

After the recent release of This Is ET[/url], Kamz has decided to share his Movie Making knowledge and share it with the community - However this knowledge comes with a price. Below is a list of services and their prices which Kamz has put together over a session of hard thinking and analysing:


- Full movie - 200 euros
- Quick movie (can be done in a month or so, still good but not 100% effort) - 100 euros
- Test clip (maximum time 1 minute) - 10 euros
- Fragmovie song - 10 euros
- Tutoring - 2 euros per min

Tutoring services include:
- Achieving the optimum quality
- Capturing with Image
- Editing in vegas using FX and Transitions (this also includes colours)
- The basics of After Effects and how best to use its features for an ET movie
- Creating scripted cameras and frame syncing
- Encoding with megui

Also, services available upon request.

With this service, comes a gaurentee. If anything does not look right, or does not work, Kamz himself will edit or help progress the project its self.

If you are interested in this offer, You can contact Kamz at #Most-Hated.

Thanks for your time, And take this offer into great consideration!
made my day :DD:D:D:D:Dd
the skills for movie making are priceless, so your getting a good deal here... don't pass this opportunity because at the end of the day your only cheating yourself.
Stermy 2
made my day h3h3
good one man
i hope this is troll, else u end up as biggest retard ever.

honey <3
hey baby <3
missed u man :(
how's going with u mate? anytime soon u coming back to et or just got other plans to do now?
well, iam working in a restaurant, so i aint got time to play ET active since i work in the evenings:p

maybe ill play some wars as a merc everynow and then :)
hah same as me then :D
that much money for such a shitty moviemaker, funny how the world works nowadays. Saying youre the best can actually result in people thinking youre the best even when alot of moviemakers know better.

feed the troll!
dont you dare talking trash about GOLD

piece of shit
oh my god... as if it's worth letting you make a movie for 200euros
get a job...
He is an illegal immigrant, making it substantially hard for him to get job.
he just made everybody's day with this "serious" post. not more, not less. ;)
I'd rather give that money to fredd :<
this is the most ridiculous thing i`v ever read.
worst troll ever!
i'd like to learn from fredd.. but you? come on.. hilarious
Unfunny troll journal, bleh.
nice troll
obvious troll is obvisous..nearly as much as jinosta cant come to aef
- Fragmovie song - 10 euros
considering that "This Is ET" has the GAYEST soundtrack ever ... :D
LOL "Tutoring - 2 euros per min"
must be a hell of a joke.
oh wait , my "most hated money tree" is producing cash now,lemme count till 300 ;/
kamz ballz
jewnose never grows randomly
u made funniez
richie <3
Is this fucking serious?
being a nerd will earn u money, how cool!
worst moviemaker ever...who would want your tips :S
ja pierdole co za kurwa retard hahazhahah
Nothing new, maybe at ET, but even at Runescape there are moviemakers who charge some money for making movie, for example:

Price 250$:
Toastig in epic bread.

come on dude...less cocaine!
Ridiculously cheap prizes :D

if i trusted you i would pay that in a minute
basically I think it's okej taking money for proper movie-making. but that's just a rip-off.
200e is pretty regular price tbh. But because its not a really "job" (yet?) to make movies about games, you can't charge too much about it.
Its not like you can make a movie in 15mins...
Im not into the movie making business, therefore I don't know the regular prices. perhaps I'm weird, but I would never spend money on a gaming movie, especially not when there are other people who might do it for free. I wouldn't care too much if others (who do it for free) didn't make them as good as kamz.

however you might be right that there is a/(an upcoming) market. when people are willing to spend 100 e on a hack, i wouldn't be surprised if they spent it on movies...
id rather go and fuck with a whore than giving u money, for a movie of a freegame.

just came on the idea that u just want the journal with the most comments in october, but friday night? failed hard xD
Trolled hard. Well comparing your movies you haven't any great skills except Avi + mp3 and smoetimes a effect :U I didnt see any good 3d work in your movies, any new ideas, any cool conceptions and even your camtrace paths was on very low level so why you want to teach others :D? Firstly teach yourself. (sry for english)
How much do you have to pay extra so you don't put your own frags in the movie?
where can i become a fan of you?
where can i become a fan of you?
Does the "Fragmovie song" mean that you will actually create an original song or pick one that has been made by a 3rd party artist?

If it's the latter then congratulations, you just EXPLODED MY BRAIN
Was wondering the same... why would it cost so much, you can just randomly pickup a rock/metal/fast song and it will be the same. Also not sure if you can just " make money " on someone produce, you should probably give some % from it or something.

- Full movie - 200 euros
- Quick movie (can be done in a month or so, still good but not 100% effort) - 100 euros
- Test clip (maximum time 1 minute) - 10 euros
- Fragmovie song - 10 euros
- Tutoring - 2 euros per min

Hmm i'll build my business too :
QuoteTutoring services include:
- Achieving the optimum quality
- Capturing with Image
- Editing in vegas using FX and Transitions (this also includes colours)
- The basics of After Effects and how best to use its features for an ET movie
- Creating scripted cameras and frame syncing
- Encoding with megui

For 50 euros i give you the full working link to the crossfire tutorial section ! -> image: tuto

QuoteFragmovie song - 10 euros

Tonight only, 5€ for a link to youtube website.
hahahahaha! laughing my ballz off!
QuoteSee, people find it funny, but I've already received money so I'm just laughing at them instead :DD

hahahahaha! can't wait to see those basic fragmovies x-D.

lol random cam on radar that wasn't even that good and didn't follow the models perfectly :dd

10 minutes work, i wish these movies wouldn't get accepted :(

just fits all ur work
Can I pay u in kind?
200e aint that much guys :l dont u know how much time it takes???
Kamz m8, you'd better ddos attack servers with me instead of wasting your time with fagmovies!
of course 75% of his profits are coming to me because i told him all this stuff years ago!
i guess thats why he sucks so badly XD
so im getting rich, since max taught you and i taught max...

oh wait, like any1 actually pays for this piece of shit
cf at its best
kamz on the grind!

Well atleast you finish your movies, cant say that about 90% of the moviemakers out there.. -,-
id pay drjew before i pay u :))) he is a bigger troll!!
"- Tutoring - 2 euros per min"

2 euros per min?
who fuck do u think u are lol
either this is a joke or imo u should consider lowering ur prices, i dont think any1 is that stupid to pay 2 euros per min for shit u can learn watching youtube or reading tutorials , which are everywhere..
interested pm me
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