
Is it just me or does there seem to be street riots in France every time you turn on the news? Why are the students always so mad? :/
lol we always mad bro
trolling in the street is a hobby :)))) Now you understand why there was a revolution in France and why we cut our king's head few centuries ago! eheheheheh
trollé durement
Still mad about the 6on6 -> 5on5 change
not funny :/

well a bit
OMG.. and i had to laugh :(
wellcome to the hell
Our government does not care about the people, what do you expect :/
Care to expand?
read news :d:d:d:d:d:d:d
Yes I know about the pensions, but it would be nice to hear about the other stuff direct from a French person.
Basically, our government wants to lenghten our work period from 65 to 67 years old arguing that's its the only way to finance our pension system (we are living longer, therefore there are more people who are retired, so the active people need to work during a couple of years more to ensure a decent pension revenu for the retired people).
The government says : WE LIVE LONGER, WE HAVE TO WORK MORE.
I don't know if French people have to be considered as lazy persons but they ve been fighting for a long time in order to enjoy a decent retirement time. (dont know if that's clear).
What the goverment doesn't want to hear - and thats why we are going on strikes and making riots - is that there are other ways to finance the pensions :

-Helping the young people finding a job (actually, about 24% of the young people, who are under 28 are unemployed)
-Taxing the capital revenus, i.e. benefits made in the banking/financial world are not taxed like the working revenus. It represents loads of money !
- Since the goverment is a right-wing party, they are being friendly to the rich people :
Rich people cannot be taxed on more than 50% of their revenus. That's a new law called the "bouclier fiscal" (fiscal shield).
Moreover, there has been a huge scandal during summer among the government featuring one of the minister and Sarkozy himself. That would be too complexe to expand here but basically, that person was doing fiscal fraud in order not to pay taxes, and the governement knew it but was protecting her because she gave loads of money to Sarkozy to finance his political campaign during the 2007 elections.

I don't know if I've been very clear but to summarize, the government does not want to hear the people who will willing to have a fairer system, where the rich people would contribute along with the poor people. We want our government to stop scaming with rich people... There are many other ways to finance our pensions system but the goverment doesn't want to use them, because it concerns rich people...

e : concering the students, some of them are prolly happy to skip school time but they are also worried about their future, as much as the working persons are. As I said above, the unemployment rate is quite high for the young people, and Sarkozy + his asslicking ministers don't seem to care about it... That's why you got riots...
Hf reading :P
it's 60 to 62. 65 to 67 being the legal retirement age without any "decote".
Ya I know but what matters is being retired with full "décote", as u say :P
At least you have one :S
Atleast you're belgian. :S
cest a cause des gros connards comme toi qui font greve, qu'on a pas de trains, ni d'essence pour allez étudier et éviter d'avoir des retraites de merde :) Gauchiste attentiste :D
Eh oui, il est temps d'accepter de faire des sacrifices pour avoir un avenir différent de celui que ce gouvernement pourri nous réserve. Attentiste ? C'est un peu contradictoire, tu ne trouves pas ? Explique-toi.
Vous branlez rien à rien branler ! Tu dis que les jeunes ont pas de boulots, faut pas rêvé aussi c'est pas en faisant des études de branleurs qu'on a un job :) Je peux te jurer que moi j'ai du taf quand je veux. Ensuite comme d'hab vous êtes les premiers a faire grève pour TOUT et même surtout, sur ce qui ne vous concerne pas ( lycéen, lol ?), vous foutez pleins de gens dans la merde, et vous proposez rien en retour.
Tu as un boulot quand tu veux, certes, mais les chiffres montrent que tous les jeunes ne sont pas dans ton cas.
Selon toi, le problème des retraites ne concerne pas les lycéens ? J'admets qu'une partie d'entre eux (qu'on ne peut pas quantifier) bloque les lycées pour ne pas avoir cours mais l'autre partie, même si elle ne saisit probablement pas tous les enjeux du problème des retraites a compris que notre gouvernement protégeait les riches, les revenus du capital, tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à l'argent, et que ça ne l'embêtait en rien de taper sur les travailleurs...
Nous foutons des gens dans la merde ? Pour la bonne cause, peut-être... Nous ne proposons rien en retour ? Et les syndicats, ils se touchent ? Ils ne demandent qu'à négocier, mais ce gouvernement aveugle ne veut pas, pas plus que d'organiser un référendum... Evidemment, ils savent bien quelle sera la réponse...
Mais attends tout n'est pas du, si tu fais des études dans lequel c'est bouché faut pas s'étonner,les gens vont pas t'engager pour perdre de l'argent.Ensuite oui je pense que certains lyceens se sentent concernés (1% max). Tu fous les gens dans la merde pour TA bonne cause,les gens qui ne font pas gréves sont pas forcés de subir vos conneries. Et pour les syndicats, j'encule tout ceux comme toi , qui foutent rien de leur vie, ce monde est capitaliste et pourtant la france est l'un des pays qui couvrent le plus de gens et pourtant y'a vraiment beaucoup de gens qui se plaignent et qui branlent rien :)

Travailler plus pour gagner plus cest de la merde mais Branler rien et raler cest pire :)
Bon, je vois que tu ne veux pas comprendre ce que je raconte, mieux vaut en rester là ":)"
vite a court d'arguments
sauf que toi tu n'en as aucun ?
je n'ai aucun arguments mais cest pas a moi de justifier tout les campeurs qui font greve :)
qu'est-ce que tu trouves pas justifié?
d'empêcher les gens de travailler :)
travailler != étudier. et je trouve que la justification est simple : la réforme des retraites n'est pas acceptable.
que ca soit dans mon cas pour étudier ou bcp dautres gens pr aller bosser cest la meme :) Ensuite tu proposes quoi en contrepartie pr les retraites ? Qu'on paye tjr plus pour ceux qui foutent rien ?
Si déjà tu peux trouver du taffe quand tu veux, arrête de t'plaindre :D
cuz we're the best at it.
French people are fucking lazy.
There are no riots. Some thugs join in demonstrations to raise hell. About students, most of them are 15 year olds happy to skip school.
Why not giving them credit for their actions, for once ? THere are of course lazy students who go on strikes to avoid school, but I'm pretty sure there actually are young people who are afraid for their future and their pensions. This shit government is creating a fucking mess with their retard social-economical-racist-protecting the rich- laws...
about students, +1 with PC
there are enough reasons to riot everyday, in every country
babylon will collapz soon brothers
image: youspan

France, anyone?
Ban, racist comment.
Close your eyes to the truth, it won't help.
You can't ban the reality, but you can fight it.
Even if there were more black people than white people in France I absolutly wouldn't care.
Yes, because you're blinded by the media and your government. :) That's a common problem in "modern" Europe.
you're really stupid
If you say so. :) You've got to know it.
I actually live in France : you don't know what you're talking about.
C'est dur de discuter avec un néo- nazi... :}D
I'm neither a Neo-Nazi (maybe in your understanding of the term, not in mine, not in the correct one), nor is it pointless to discuss with me.

The problem is, people everywhere in Europe have lost contact to their roots and were brainwashed by media to believe multiculturalism is right. Go in yourself, think about it freely for once and find out the truth. What does connect you to the Black man next door? Except for language maybe. Is there anything at all?
how do you want to know if nothing connects you to that person? Do you know him/her? Connections between people have nothing to do with Colour of the skin, nor with heritage, nor with social standard. I know many really cool people that i would have never met, if i would limit my thoughts like you seem to do.
Then you're differently wired than I am. I'm not "limiting" my thoughts, I'm speaking out of experience.
I had some friendly relations to foreigners, but just couldn't really read their minds, we didn't share the interests nor sight on the world. Just something I feel with my own kind.

I'll elaborate more on this tomorrow, because I'm off for my bed now since I've got to go to university very early.
If I thought that way I probably wouldn't have any friends. I never judge someone because of their skin colour or where they are from, I judge people as individuals - humans are humans. If you feel that way and don't want to mix, then so be it, but in my opinion thinking in such a way does no good in this world. It's 2010, the world has moved on from such things.
Simply because it's our present way of living it doesn't need to be progressive. It's only natural to stay with people you like and understand. Sure there's individual variation, I know a few Germans and related people which are dumb as shite and assholes and know a handful of foreigners who are nice guys, but on average I only feel fine with my own kind.
The situation is similar in Germany as it is in every other western European country, I know well enough what I'm talking about. I've been there, I've spoken to ordinary people and they thought alike. Most simply don't want to express it publicly, out of fear to get denounced as a racist and Nazi.
I just played vs some frenchies, one them was called kenny

he was mad
eheheheh fortunatly there are guys like MarseilleFrancis who are cool
there's no riots yet, but if nothing changes it'll be a hard period : airports will be kerozen less in 3 days...
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